Topic: Teewiki

I dont know if i am the only one that noticed but what the heck happened to my resource for teeworlds information? teewiki is dead????



Re: Teewiki

dude... there's a thread about it somewhere

3 (edited by Bee 2010-11-27 00:13:10)

Re: Teewiki

Yeah, it's a curious question. I looked into it and this is what I found:

m!nus wrote:

Hello everyone,

i'm m!nus and i'll administrate the server from now on.
First thing to change is that trac will be shut down.
After all necessary wiki pages are moved to git/this page.

and in the TeeWiki topic itself, it reads at the last comments:

Blue wrote:

When I started playing tw, the wiki already was outdated and thus useless. Also it wasn't linked anywhere and you hardly ever got there. I think very few people will even notice that it isnt there anymore. If you want to make a new tee-wiki, run it better than the old one, advertise it everywhere, get a crew of people writing there, keep it actual and so on.

Chi11y wrote:

I should probably note that all content on teewiki is still saved for now, and residing on the http://teesites.net server. It's just the domain that has gone away, and I will try to contact Somerunce so he can put the content up on wiki.teesites.net or similar. Teewiki was always relying on community support, and it was actually heavily advertised when started, but the community interest pretty quickly dried up, that's why it has been pretty inactive lately.

So pretty much people weren't using it and it had problems so they got rid of it. If people start caring more, it might come up again.

Give others the respect you wish to be respected with. In the mean time, enjoy the website!