I could write a tool which consists of two parts:
A client app, which monitors the memory, running processes and itself.
You have to start TeeWorlds using this client.
The other app on the serverside hooks into the teewords_server, and accepts clients with enabled anti cheat system only (it tries to communicate directly with the anti cheat system on the client side).
The serverside-app lets the client calculate hashes (to check if the client is unmodified), etc.
The application could be also used to kick users with a kickreason/errormessage which could be displayed by the anti-cheat client app.
I could introduce an account-system, so you have to log-in with a username/password in the anti-cheat tool.
After logging in, you could be able to play on protected teeworlds servers,...
This would enable to ban people from protected servers (with the anti-cheat-app) forever.
1 Computer = 1 Account (because a unique hash will be calculated to identify your computer and to prevent double registration and re-registration of alreasy banned users)
It will be a lot of work (I want to finish my current project first, called "TeeWorlds: Command & Control"), but I will start today with things like: feasibility analysis, functional specification, product requirement document,.. etc. etc.
I have already invented a name for my tool (which currently exists in thought and on some recycled paper):
TeeWorlds: AntiCheat (TWAC)
What do you think about that?