Topic: Packaged for Debian
I've packaged Teeworlds for Debian, and it is currently waiting a sponsor. When it is accepted, any Debian users will be able to install Teeworlds through apt-get, synaptic or whatever apt frontend you prefer. As Teeworlds is a new package to Debian, it will automatically be included in any derivative distributions, meaning provided it is accepted, it will also be included in Ubuntu 8.10)
While we wait for the package to be accepted, I've uploaded teeworlds to my PPA, allowing you to get teeworlds through your package manager right now. These packages have been tested on Ubuntu Hardy and Debian Unstable, but *should* work on any Debian based distribution.
To make teeworlds available via apt, please add the following lines to /etc/apt/sources.list
deb hardy main
deb-src hardy main
After adding these lines, simply update your sources (click the reload button in synaptic, or `sudo apt-get update` from terminal), after this you can simply tick the box for teeworlds, or teeworlds-server.