Topic: [INFO] 0.4.0 Server CFG's
Hello - The docs are outdated, so I thought I could make a new half explaining information-thread.
In this new patch, the CFG's have been changed a lot.
Instead of "sv_map=MAPNAME" - it'll be: "sv_map MAPNAME" . - They have removed the = .
Other changes:
sv_sendheartbeats >> sv_register
rcon_password >> sv_rcon_password
New Stuff:
sv_motd - Sets Message of the Day
sv_register - Same function as Sendheartbeats
sv_rcon_password - Same function as the old rcon_password
Changes to the "Docs"-stuff:
Here is a simple DM server configuration:
sv_name Sample DM Server
sv_gametype dm
sv_warmup 10
sv_map dm2
sv_maprotation dm2 dm6
sv_max_clients 8
sv_scorelimit 20
Here is a simple 2on2 TDM server configuration:
sv_name Sample 2on2 TDM Server
sv_gametype tdm
sv_warmup 10
sv_map dm1
sv_max_clients 4
sv_scorelimit 50
Here is a simple CTF server configuration:
sv_name Sample CTF Server
sv_gametype ctf
sv_warmup 30
sv_map ctf2
sv_max_clients 10
sv_scorelimit 400
Atm, mine looks like this:
sv_name [DS] Clan Server #2 -
sv_warmup 0
sv_motd Join DSClan! !
sv_teamdamage 0
sv_map dm6
sv_maprotation dm1 dm2 dm6
sv_powerups 1
sv_scorelimit 20
sv_timelimit 0
sv_gametype dm
sv_tournament_mode 0
sv_port 8303
sv_external_port 8303
sv_max_clients 8
sv_high_bandwidth 0
sv_register 1
sv_rcon_password sfjghdouidsfjgno8945y 6789hr9t
dbg_bots 0
Hope this was useful. If you need any other info, ask please.