ghithor wrote:that pro players playing with dyncam on?.
No, "pro" players don't play with dyncam on or they don't spin. Dynamic cam is an heresy at high-level anyway. It's useless because you can predict most of what's outside your camera, and it has several drawbacks.
ghithor wrote:It is pity but this video (awesome video
) is not for us in this case because we can not see guns sight and its moving. It's like a starcraft replay: you can see what a player doing, but you can't see how he doing that.
Simple. Disable dynamic camera. Increase mouse sensitivity that you can make a full circle with your mouse in less than half a second (the reload time for the shotgun) and with the cursor the furthest away from your tee. Start playing like that, practicing till you get it. Start considering your hook as a wheel and roll around.
Good moves require hooking the up and down whether you're spinning or not. Spinning is just a smoother and more regular / systematic way to move, it's not required to be at the "highest" level. It has little to do with aiming, and more to do with moving, hiding your intent and warming up your wrist :>.
I'd like to add that I don't get what the fuss is about spinning these days. It's something fun that was started by some members of ThePuMa one year and a half ago and that's been passed down as a tradition in the high-level CTF scene, but it's not something that should hamper your movement. I see more and more spinners that just do it badly and get stuck because of it, instead of playing THEIR way.
Moving in TW is personal and there are other very valid and original ways to move other than spinning (even at high-level), and there are no two person spinning exactly the same...