Topic: [PATCH] Kick+Ban the clients by IP (useful!)
Hi !
I noticied, on the race map, that banning peoples who disturb others or block them could be very useful. So i'm happy to give you this patch, which concern only the file src/engine/es_server.c and can be very useful:
To apply it, just type:
patch -p1 < ban.patch
In the teeworlds-0.4.2-src/ dir, then recompile the server
Here are the new commands that this patch permit:
ban (cid): ban the client cid, you can see al the cids with the status command
banlist: show the list of the ban
unban (banid): unban an ip, you can see the banid in the banlist
Have fun!
EDIT: You can download a windows server with ban: … rv_ban.exe
Thanks Rajh!
EDIT: I'm waiting for feedback!