i just find tune options. its all great. but i need soe more
can ypu add following options?
tune field_of_view, number_of_aerojupms, number_of_grenades_bouncing, grenade_offset, grenade_ground_friction (in the case of bouncing), knockback and firerate for all weapons, knockback_radius (for GL), nindzya speed, distance and firerate
i think you need to place all tune options in something like moy_pezdatiy_mod.cfg in dir data/modes
or separate files like in q4 - weapons.cfg, powerups.cfg, player.cfg, items.cfg in folder data/modes/moy_pezdatiy_mod or data/modes/moy_pezdatiy_mod.pak
and add - callvote mode moy_pezdatiy_mod
and other callvote options like kick, timelimit, fraglimit, map, .....
and new hud! with numerical health and armor or posibility for custom huds
console commands autocompletion
make angular speed of cursor constant or add some options to customize it
i like my following cfg, but i need 110% size of current FOV
server_cfg wrote:sv_name eXtee DM Server
sv_gametype dm
sv_map dm2
sv_maprotation dm2 dm6
sv_max_clients 8
sv_scorelimit 20
sv_register 0 //1
sv_warmup 5 //1
sv_powerups 1
sv_port 8303
sv_high_bandwidth 1 //0
sv_motd Welcome to the eXtee World Server
tune ground_fnction 0.8 //0.5
tune air_fnction 0.95
tune velramp_start 550
tune velramp_range 2000
tune velramp_curvature 1.4
tune ground_control_speed 13 //10
tune air_control_speed 8 //5
tune ground_control_accel 7 //2
tune air_control_accell 5 //1.5
tune ground_jump_impulse 18.5 //12.60
tune air_jump_impulse 18 //11.5
tune hook_length 550 //380
tune hook_fire_speed 120 //80
tune hook_drag_accel 6 //3
tune hook_drag_speed 20 //15
tune gravity 1 //0.5
tune gun_curvature 1.25
tune gun_speed 2800 //2200
tune gun_hfetime 2
tune shotgun_speed 2800 //2200
tune shotgun_hfetime 0.25
tune shotgun_curvature 1.25
tune shotgun_speeddiff 0.8
tune grenade_curvature 5 //7
tune grenade_speed 1400 //1000
tune grenade_hfetime 2
tune laser_reach 1100 //800
tune laser_bounce_delay 50 //150
tune laser_bounce_num 1
tune laser_bounce_cost 0
tune laser_bounce_damage 5