(posted by: teetow) |
So, you're probably wondering what the hell is up with the new name. No, there's no reason to panic; it's still very much the same game we've all come to know and love. The reasons for the name change are strictly legal, and the decision was made to avoid potential hassle later on.
All links related to the old name will still work for the foreseeable future, and we will exert no pressure on people who have already registered domains for their fansites. It's completely up to you to change it when it's convenient.
Unfortunately, we cannot divulge any more details about the reasons for changing the name, so please don't ask or comment about it. Rest assured that we explored every option, and held off on making the decision for as long as was possible. We're still as committed as we ever were to keep pursuing the vision of the game, and this change allows us to do it with more freedom.
Now go grab 0.4.0 and enter the Teeworlds!
All links related to the old name will still work for the foreseeable future, and we will exert no pressure on people who have already registered domains for their fansites. It's completely up to you to change it when it's convenient.
Unfortunately, we cannot divulge any more details about the reasons for changing the name, so please don't ask or comment about it. Rest assured that we explored every option, and held off on making the decision for as long as was possible. We're still as committed as we ever were to keep pursuing the vision of the game, and this change allows us to do it with more freedom.
Now go grab 0.4.0 and enter the Teeworlds!