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(posted by: matricks) | 2008-04-27
There has been a bit lack of information from my side, my bad. But here comes an update with some juicy information.

I've been very busy with work and building stuff for my appartment, but I've managed to set aside some time to work on teeworlds. The work on 0.5.0 is moving forward. This version will mainly be a cleanup of the code and fix all small quirks that it gathered so far. The cleanup / restructure has also started with the rewrite of data compiler, network objects and tuning parameters unification (is this even a real word?:D). I've rewritten a part of the lowlevel network to reduce the bandwidth requirements. Right now 0.5.0 uses just 40% of the bandwidth compared to 0.4.2, might even go down a little bit futher aswell.

I interrupted this work to begin to satisfy all the package maintainers by making changes to bam (the build system that we use). These are changes that should have been done long ago. It's now much faster (even faster then jam!), cleaner and proper support for multithreading. Gonna spend some more time on bam to improve how you can build teeworlds. Add a mechanism make it possible to compile teeworlds dynamicly linked to the systems version of portaudio, glfw etc instead of using the versions that we supply. Also gonna make a way to auto-detect system preferences like OSS, ALSA, stack protector etc.

But now I shall reinstall my computer to the new and shiny xubuntu 8.04 :D
