Topic: Display refresh rate

Hello there,

as pointed out in my guide "Technical foundation for maximizing your skill" the display refresh rate in Teewars is locked at 60Hz. Most users can't be bothered to notice that not to mention finding a way to change it by editing the config file.
Most other games just apply the desktop refresh rate. I grant this may not be trivial to implement if you're programming cross-platform without matured libraries like SDL... *hint* *hint* wink

Nevertheless, it would be great if Teewars applied the desktop rate and/or if there was a slider to set the refresh rate inside the graphical options GUI.

The rest of the game is quite perfect. Cheers!


Re: Display refresh rate

The reason why this havn't been done is because there is no way to enumerate what the valid refresh rates are. Worst case is that someone breaks his monitor fiddling with that slider. I left the option in the config file so more experianced users can fiddle with it.

And I won't use the big heap of code that SDL is just to startup an OpenGL window. And SDL is LGPL, something that I won't touch with a 10 foot pole.


Re: Display refresh rate

im noob in this but is the 75 is standart?

if people use tft ot lcd it will be fine for them

if people use crt 75 is much better then 60

am i wrong?

4 (edited by Stroganoff 2008-03-06 04:51:40)

Re: Display refresh rate

The standard or rather the default minimum is 60Hz.
People on LCD are generally fine, at least their eyes.

60Hz on CRT is bad for eyes and brain. 75Hz is better, but most CRTs are able to pull of more (often 85, sometimes 100 or even more) even though Windows hides rates above 75 per default if you're using the generic "Plug & Play Monitor" driver. You have to uncheck the "Hide modes" box to unlock the higher settings so you can find out what the physical maximum of your screen is.

But it's not just a health & comfort issue. It slightly affects your awareness & agility if the content on the screen is updated more often, even on LCD. At least that's my experience.

LCD users of course have the additional concern of technical "response time". More info on these topics:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Response_t … D_monitors


Re: Display refresh rate

I remember when I ran Q3 with the screen locked at 125 Hz, the engine running at 125 FPS, and the mouse updating 125 times per second. Bliss!


Re: Display refresh rate

teetow wrote:

I remember when I ran Q3 with the screen locked at 125 Hz, the engine running at 125 FPS, and the mouse updating 125 times per second. Bliss!



Re: Display refresh rate

plz change refresh rate to 85Hz, i cant play...


Re: Display refresh rate

fornakter wrote:

plz change refresh rate to 85Hz, i cant play...

matricks wrote:

The reason why this havn't been done is because there is no way to enumerate what the valid refresh rates are. Worst case is that someone breaks his monitor fiddling with that slider. I left the option in the config file so more experienced users can fiddle with it.

That should answer you, fornakter. If it doesn't, tough luck.


Re: Display refresh rate

I use 120...

aka oop²


Re: Display refresh rate

fornakter wrote:

so fuck this stupid game, thx for help

If you read what people are saying, you can edit your settings.cfg and set gfx_refresh_rate to whatever you want... Just set it to something your monitor support.

Languages shapes the way we think, or don't.


Re: Display refresh rate

Just tried increasing from 60 to 75 now, and wow, it really helps.