Okay, very awesome, now the only thing I find strange still is that there are several changes named under sv_reapinatordelay, not sure if this is by mistake or what.
sv_reapinatordelay,120,1,9999, "Init delay of reapinator (in secs)"
sv_reapinatordelay,5,0,9999, "Min player score for reapinator"
sv_reaperminscore,7,0,9999, "Min player score for reaper (without reapinator)"
sv_metamorphosecount,1,0,9999, "How many kills until metamorphose"
sv_reapinatordelay,15,0,9999, "Score to became hero"
As you see there, 3 of them. All with the same exact thing. I have noticed that hero is missing something, since it is opensource I will attempt to simply dive in and find the proper score. I've got my reaperminscore working fine and people turn reaper after 2, but heroes are broken because that isn't what it is for hero.
One other little thing, when I reach 13 people it sends everyone else to spectator, is this something I cannot change (Teeworlds limitation) or can I change it and it's dependent on this mod?
It appears that in order from above they are:
sv_reapinatordelay < - for hero, this should be changed, but I'm too newb to know how to compile the source from linux but I'll go check the itnernet and change this to sv_hero_minscore if I can.
If Mo2 is reading would be appreciated if you eventually do this yourself.