Topic: Gnome-Shell panel problem.[Linux]

Hello, I am experiencing a slight problem while running Teeworlds on Ubuntu 12.04(64bit) and gnome-shell(a.k.a gnome3) Desktop environment.

The gnome-shell panel where the Actions button and date&time are located for example , doesn't hide itself when i open Teeworlds in full-screen. Instead due to change of resolution the panel is now enlarged and blocks view to the upper parts of the game. Which is annoying but also on the way when i try join teams, disconnect from the server or see opponents up anyway.

So far I've been using switching to metacity WM as a workaround with:

metacity --replace

but i hope to find other solutions so i could keep using gnome-shell full time.

For some other information I'm using nvidia proprietary drivers.

Thank you in advance, Allu(a.k.a Allu2)

BBCodes I'd like to see: [youtube]


Re: Gnome-Shell panel problem.[Linux]

Yeah, I think I saw that with other fullscreen programs when I used Gnome Shell.
My solution was to use XFCE (and ArchLinux). Imho Shell (and Unity as well) suck because of the lack of customizability. (Seriously, you can't even edit the panel)
XFCE might not have a start menu as nice as when you hit the Meta/Win-key on Shell/Unity, but the run dialog is good enough for me.

Sorry I couldn't really help.
A possible permanent workaround
Another hack you might be able to pull on the teeworlds source, could prove rather hard though because SDL might not be able to set the window hint to popup.