Topic: Gnome-Shell panel problem.[Linux]
Hello, I am experiencing a slight problem while running Teeworlds on Ubuntu 12.04(64bit) and gnome-shell(a.k.a gnome3) Desktop environment.
The gnome-shell panel where the Actions button and date&time are located for example , doesn't hide itself when i open Teeworlds in full-screen. Instead due to change of resolution the panel is now enlarged and blocks view to the upper parts of the game. Which is annoying but also on the way when i try join teams, disconnect from the server or see opponents up anyway.
So far I've been using switching to metacity WM as a workaround with:
metacity --replace
but i hope to find other solutions so i could keep using gnome-shell full time.
For some other information I'm using nvidia proprietary drivers.
Thank you in advance, Allu(a.k.a Allu2)