1 (edited by HeroiAmarelo 2012-06-03 20:40:21)

Topic: [TUTORIAL] Making Simple Changes on your Game

Some people dunno how to post, for example, skins, and use them, so, on this Topic I will explain how to make this little changes on the game.

The changes that I will explain are:

> Add unofficial skins
-> Use a different skin has ninja

> Change the font

> Change the GameSet

> Add the TiteSet

> Change the Cursor

> Change the Emoticons

>Change the Particles

Note: twf = Teeworlds Folder

Add unnoficial skins to your game:

Go to twf\data\skins and post skins into the folder (No Need to replace)
OBS.: Tw. Only supports 256 custom skins

Change the Ninja Form:

Go to twf\data\skins. Then delete the x_ninja.png file.
Then post other skin on the folder and rename it to x_ninja.png, like down here:

Ex: http://images.sevstar.net/images/17381382987361393392.png


Change the font:

Go to twf\data\fonts and delete the file DejaVuSans.ttf
Then copy a font that you want to use (You can download many fonts here) and post the font on the same folder with the name DejaVuSans.ttf (Not dejavusans.ttf)
OBS.: Some Fonts could not work


Change the GameSet:

Go to twf\data and delete the file game.png
Then download a different one and post it on the same folder with the name game.png

Ex: http://file1.npage.de/006389/76/bilder/portal_v2.png


Add TiteSet:

Go to twf\data\mapres and post the png file that you want to.

Ex: http://www.tiesto-blog.ucoz.ru/GALERY/portal_main.png


Change the Cursor:

Go to twf\data and delete the file gui_cursor.png
Then download a different one and post in on the same folder with the name gui_cursor.png

Ex: http://i732.photobucket.com/albums/ww321/Chakuza09/TeeWorlds/Cursor_Blue.png


Change the Emoticons:

Go to twf\data and delete the file emoticons.png
Then download a different one and post in on the same folder with the name emoticons.png

Ex: http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/5324/emoticons.png


Change the Particles:

Go to twf\data and delete the file particles.png
Then download a different one and post in on the same folder with the name particles.png

Ex: http://www0.xup.in/exec/ximg.php?fid=14764158

Remember to use the correct version, this examples works on 0.6.x versions.
Some of this changes are on one of my videos, you can see it here.

I would like to have comments. Tnks.

Playing Teeworlds since 2011!
"I will always be topless for you"
                  - Günther Branlutte

2 (edited by Nitro 2012-06-03 15:58:13)

Re: [TUTORIAL] Making Simple Changes on your Game

Really nice tutorial for new players. If someone ask me, how to put a skin to a tw folder i will post him this link ^^

Thank you smile


Re: [TUTORIAL] Making Simple Changes on your Game

It seems you work hard nice five ***** stars from me xD
smile keep the good work.

If you want a perfect map for your own server you can PM me to make you one ^^

Please also try play nodes you may download it here!. And as always.Have a nice day


Re: [TUTORIAL] Making Simple Changes on your Game

Tnks 4 your comments guys smile

Playing Teeworlds since 2011!
"I will always be topless for you"
                  - Günther Branlutte

5 (edited by Nitro 2012-06-04 20:30:51)

Re: [TUTORIAL] Making Simple Changes on your Game

HeroiAmarelo wrote:

-> Use a different skin has ninja.

Is that right? o_o