1 (edited by Mat 2008-04-05 12:15:18)

Topic: [GAME] Made By Mat

"Pro" Weapon set should be located in ...[game's_root_folder]\data\ as game.png

"Pro" Ninja's skin should be located in ...[game's_root_folder]\data\skins\ as x_ninja.png
Note: hole is made due to CTF/TDM issues.

"Pro" Enemy's skin should be located in ...[game's_root_folder]\data\skins\ as default.png
Note: if eye's becomes green rectangle - someone took the katana sword, only for DM (CTF/TDM mode repaint all in red/blue colors), if someone use custom colors it is ruin all skin's idea (dunno how to fix yet).

"Pro" Player's skin should be located in ...[game's_root_folder]\data\skins\ as INSERT_UNIQUE_NAME_HERE.png
Note: if eye's becomes green rectangle - someone took the katana sword, to prevent someone's appearing with ur skin: name it like sadafdjg13y4t14.pgn

To make this mode work: folder ...\skins\ should contain only 3 files (x_ninja.png , default.png and INSERT_UNIQUE_NAME_HERE.png).

Sometimes it hard to recognize enemy or which weapon tee is carrying on and if he got sword it is can be fatal error.

I playd with this skin few games... and think its... hmm... OK  wink

Well, its kinda PRO mode... but i don't like to call this like that ~_~


Re: [GAME] Made By Mat

If you only play with pros, the opponent always has the most efficient weapon activated. I think it's a bit too colourful. In German one would say: "Klickibunti" - clickycouloured

Question? search function
Short movies? Lappi's link loft
Teeworlds info'n'tuts on gfx? Landil's sketchbook


Re: [GAME] Made By Mat

ninja is great big_smile

I'm german -> My English bad -> My tees terrible -> My maps horrible -> but my play is perfect ^-^


Re: [GAME] Made By Mat

Yes the ninja skin has Ninja style

He looks great

5 (edited by 0³7 2008-04-08 16:39:11)

Re: [GAME] Made By Mat

maby you can make *pro*emoticons with speech bubbles like *this way!!* or *discovery* for teams!?!

Please use an english signature //heinrich5991


Re: [GAME] Made By Mat

OH! Nice idea, but this will work only if your teammates got this stuff... i dont think much ppl will use it. (but idea is still cool tongue)


Re: [GAME] Made By Mat

omg!! could u delete this from MY topic... mad


Re: [GAME] Made By Mat

ok sorry...

Please use an english signature //heinrich5991