1 (edited by E.A.C 2008-04-09 16:22:47)

Topic: [MAP] e.a.c-battlefield 1.0 - TDM

Another new map smile :   e.a.c-battlefield 1.0

- Gametype
TDM (or DM)

- Version

- Screenshots
http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/5350/e … d10pw5.png

- Download link

- Updata (with background)

>>> http://filebin.ca/yvoapq/e.a.c-battlefield1.2.map <<<  DM, TDM and CTF (and small a ameloration)

sorry for my english, i'm french


Re: [MAP] e.a.c-battlefield 1.0 - TDM

mountains in the bagground is a good idea from me or? big_smile
The bagground is empty (also ich meinte jetzt leer so wie nix los) so you can make mountains, but the rest is a good idea :;D

I'm german -> My English bad -> My tees terrible -> My maps horrible -> but my play is perfect ^-^


Re: [MAP] e.a.c-battlefield 1.0 - TDM

you would need really long hooks to get to those floating platforms it looks like.

[Lazor-vice] Y3K

4 (edited by KRD 2008-04-08 02:46:27)

Re: [MAP] e.a.c-battlefield 1.0 - TDM

Yes, I know but I do not know how can it be done?

For it going it is necessary to make an "explosive jump" wink


I cannot make better, it's not very good 



with background smile


[Tripple post merge. -KRD]

sorry for my english, i'm french


Re: [MAP] e.a.c-battlefield 1.0 - TDM

Do you really want to make a fourth post or are you going to use the "edit" button?

aka oop²


Re: [MAP] e.a.c-battlefield 1.0 - TDM

i played this map yesterday and its really cool.
You can jump on the platforms. First go on one of the smal platforms at the left or the right of the map. After that you need to shoot a rocket down to the platform (Youll lose 3 oder 4 Hearts) (= Rocket Jump. DONT PRESS A JUMP-Button, you need the jump in the air so dont use it. The first Jump is done by the explosion).
You should "fly" to the platforms in the middle of the stage. After a few seconds you need to jump again and than you can use the hook to join the platform.

At the platform you can use the Rocket Launcher there to make a "Rocket Rain". Its big fun ^^

Great Map smile


Re: [MAP] e.a.c-battlefield 1.0 - TDM

i am some edit and play 2 days in battlefield ctf. very very good!

sorry for my bad English smile

***connect*** - Best CTF maps, much rush and meat!!!


Re: [MAP] e.a.c-battlefield 1.0 - TDM

thank you very much smile


I don't know

[Double post merge. -KRD]

sorry for my english, i'm french


Re: [MAP] e.a.c-battlefield 1.0 - TDM

Use the edit button.


Re: [MAP] e.a.c-battlefield 1.0 - TDM

"DONT PRESS A JUMP-Button, you need the jump in the air so dont use it. The first Jump is done by the explosion"

Do press the jump button. Just do it before firing the grenade. You won't waste anything this way... dear.

Dani, rope = suicide still. Liver got used to it so don't mind.


Re: [MAP] e.a.c-battlefield 1.0 - TDM

some people stay and fooly shoot down... and dead smile haha

sorry for my bad English smile

***connect*** - Best CTF maps, much rush and meat!!!


Re: [MAP] e.a.c-battlefield 1.0 - TDM


if you don't arrive you can try on a LAN server wink

sorry for my english, i'm french


Re: [MAP] e.a.c-battlefield 1.0 - TDM

run+explosion it's very good way ))
especially if you give enemy's flag )))

sorry for my bad English smile

***connect*** - Best CTF maps, much rush and meat!!!


Re: [MAP] e.a.c-battlefield 1.0 - TDM

yes smile

sorry for my english, i'm french


Re: [MAP] e.a.c-battlefield 1.0 - TDM

ctf modification with some changes ^)

http://fishki.telenet.ru/teeworlds/e.a. … .2_ctf.map

sorry for my bad English smile

***connect*** - Best CTF maps, much rush and meat!!!