Topic: [tool]teleport converter using tml
I wrote a little python script which converts old race maps to new race maps. In former versions of the racemod there was no tele layer but the teleports were simply placed with entities. The script i wrote searches for those tiles and creates a tele layer and places new teleports. At the same time it removes the old teleport tiles.
Python version 2.6 or newer (not 3.x)
Teeworlds Map Lip version 0.2.2 or newer
Installation of tml
Once Python is installed u simply should install the python setup tools. After this u can use the command "pip" to install tml from github. Ofc git has to be installed.
pip install -e git+git://
Or u download the sourcecode from tml directly from github and place it where ever you want but in this case u have to be in the correct folder to use the script.
Script usage
Simply pull the maps u want to convert on the script. It is also possible with more than one map at the same time.
If you want to run the script from terminal:
python /path/to/script/ path/to/ another/path/to/
Further information
The script created a new map with the same name but with _new at the end. So if a map is called it will be called The maps will be created in the same directory. The script will report any error if there is something wrong. (at least it should xD)
teleport convert script:
If there are any questions or suggestions... feel free