Topic: [MOD] Alien (RC4)
One main reason for me to start creating this mod from scratch was that I disliked hosting closed source mods on my server.
Current status: Release-candidate4 (fixed a few variables for server config file)
Basic objective:
Humans have to survive a specified time avoid getting catched (hammered) and mutated by mutant team.
*) 2 teams (colored) - and without that "please balance warning"
*) 4 classes (reaper, mutant, human, hero) - all different colours (red, pastel red, pastel blue, blue)
*) Saved highscore for best human and and most scary mutant (threaded to avoid IO issues on v-servers)
*) Laserwalls (consuming shields, and created with just one hit instead of two hits)
*) Spawn protection (no endless kills when somebody put laserwalls to spawnpos)
*) Airstrikes caused by crazy AI (killing humans and mutants)
*) Cluster-Airstrikes called by human
*) Stationary turrets (machinegun like if you move onto it - consuming shields).
*) Self-shoot lasertraps shot by crazy AI (you can try to bypass them if you move slow and carefull enough ahead)
*) Biohazard tile (cause damage)
*) Hiding tiles (snapping turned off to avoid cheating)
*) Biohazard hiding tiles
*) Energynator (fast fillup of energy and health)
*) Reapinator (metamorph aliens to reaper if score is high enough)
*) Scientific research (hammer pickup - consuming shields) with different additions - See below.
*) Generator (if destroyed by mutants it turns of energynator, selfshot lasertraps and research stations)
*) Bonus-Scores for multi-kills in a row
*) Mini-Singularity (black hole like - both static as map entity and ammo for alien-reaper)
*) Smart Hammerfly protection without phyisks change (if tee's are moving up in the sky out of the map friendly fire is activated)
*) Basic join-flood-protection (could be abused but already makes it a bit more difficult to make nonsense, probably I would extend it in further versions)
*) Open source.
Scientific research for human tees (consumes shields at "hammer pickup"):
*) Airstrike with clusterbombs
*) Forcefull ammo for gun (mutants would be thrown back)
*) Forcefull ammo for shotgun
*) Slighty faster reload for shotgun (default for heros)
*) Riddle Laser (does not stop at first hit but riddles your victim)
*) Tele-Laserinator (swap pos with your victim)
*) Healing-Laser (remutate your victim)
*) Cluster Grenadelauncher (when your grenade detonates it splits up into some clusters)
*) Longlife battery (increase lifetime of laserwall)
*) Hero genetics (don't mutate immediately when mutants hit you with hammer)
*) "Remember weapon" ... Get your current researched weapon even in the next rounds (until you leave the server). Note: I would NOT add accounting for that (I'm pretty sure it would unbalance the game too much). It's even deactivated by default.
Alien mutant metamorphoses:
*) Starting shields
*) Endless hook
*) Alien multijump (4x jump - increaseable by consuming shields if available)
*) Bioharzard resistance
*) Selfheal
*) Alien-reaper metamorphoses
Reaper special:
Reaper does not take damage if they got randomly "flashing" mutation eyes but increase health instead (and may pass laserwalls) and even worse they own 2 bullets of the dangerous alien-black-hole-weapon that may be fired against a wall or some tee and sucks forcefully all tees and even projectiles within range.
Release-candidate4 is available. All downloads without warranty of any kind.
EDIT: For new downloads, see below.
Alien-TW RC4 linux32 binary (478kb) (down)
Alien-TW RC4 linux64 binary (544kb) (down)
Alien-TW RC4 win32 binary (598kb) (down)
Alien-TW RC4 source (patch from tw-0.6.1 > alien-tw) (849kb) (down)
Alien-TW RC4 source (full tar.gz) (9.1MB) (down)
Download entities.png (required for mapping) (66kb) (down)
Tilesets (for example the generator) can be found here:
Map area_52:
Screenshot 1: area_52 (down)
Screenshot 2: area_52 (down)
Screenshot 3: area_52 (down)
Screenshot 4: area_52 (down)
Overview: area_52 (down)
Download (176kb) (down)
Map area_xenon:
Screenshot 1: area_xenon (down)
Screenshot 2: area_xenon (down)
Screenshot 3: area_xenon (down)
Overview: area_xenon (down)
Download (127kb) (down)
Special thanks goes to: Botox, Gravity for giving ideas with their zombie-mods and GreyFox (coz ddrace-source often gave me a clue how to fiddle around) and even "HF", Nitro and that radioactive-sign guy that was one of the first players and helped me beta-testing.
Following lot's of configure stuff for the config.
To run a server please choose '"sv_gametype "alien"' in the config.
sv_singularityrange, 800, 1, 9999 "Singularity range"
sv_singularitykillrange, 40, 1, 1000 "Deathzone of singularity"
sv_singularinatorttl,10,1,9999, "Singularity TTL of Singularinator"
sv_minscoreplayers,1,1,16, "Minimum of players before high-score would be written."
sv_highscorepath, 2048, "./" "Pathname for high-score files."
sv_startmsg_a, 128, "And so it began..." "Startmsg 1 for humans"
sv_startmsg_b, 128, "A storm is brewing..." "Startmsg 2 for humans"
sv_startmsg_c, 128, "Is there still hope?" "Startmsg 3 for humans"
sv_startmsg_d, 128, "Please insert coin!", "Startmsg 4 for humans"
sv_mutemotedelay, 20,5,9999, "Base-delay of random protecting mutantic eye flashing (+10 secs rand)"
sv_airstrikettl,1500,1,9999, "TTL for airstrike grenades"
sv_initairstrike,1,0,1, "Do random airstrike at start"
sv_clusters,6,0,24,"How many clusters per grenade"
sv_airstrikeclusters,6,0,24,"How many clusters per human airstrike-grenade"
sv_alica_airstrikestep,128,32,9999, "Size of space between bomb-carpet of alica"
sv_hum_airstrikestep,64,32,9999, "Size of space between bomb-carpet of humans"
sv_reaperammo,2,0,10, "How many singularities at reaper start"
sv_healingammo,3,0,10, "How many healing laser ammo"
sv_gunmk2force,20,0,9999, "How many force for gun mk2"
sv_shotmk2force,10,0,9999, "How many force for shotgun mk2"
sv_sciencesuccesscount,10,0,9999, "How many shields for research (0 to disable)"
sv_savesciencescore,0,0,9999, "Save double researches after round at min score (0 to disable)"
sv_sciencespawn,400,0,2000, "Time in msecs until hammer respawns at research"
sv_skipsciencestations,0,0,1, "Remove science stations when map is loaded"
sv_maxturretaimvel,10,0,9999, "Max movement speed before turret will fire on tee"
sv_turretaimnohumans,0,0,1, "Laserturrets should just aim mutants"
sv_turretrange,500,0,1000, "Range of laserturrets"
sv_laserwalldelay, 1, 0, 5, "Delay before laserwall would be activated"
sv_laserwalllength, 266, 0, 9999, "Length for one hit laserwall"
sv_normalbattery,3000,1,9999"Time that one shield keep laserwall on power"
sv_superbattery,4500,1,9999, "Time that one shield keep laserwall on power"
sv_lw_limit,0,0,1, "Limit TTL of laserwall to 10 x batterypower"
sv_lw_limit_non_al_map,1,0,1,, "Limit TTL of laserwall to 10 x batterypower in non-alien maps"
sv_heroairstrike,0,0,1, "Give airstrike when player get hero"
sv_reapinatordisabled,0,0,1, "Disable reapinator"
sv_reapinatordelay,120,1,9999, "Init delay of reapinator (in secs)"
sv_reapinator_minscore,5,0,9999, "Min player score for reapinator"
sv_reaperminscore,7,0,9999, "Min player score for reaper (without reapinator)"
sv_metamorphosecount,1,0,9999, "How many kills until metamorphose"
sv_becamehero_score,15,0,9999, "Score to became hero"
sv_autoresearchscore, 3,0,9999, "BonusScore to init research lottery - (0 to disable)"
sv_emptyresearch, 1,0,1,"Auto research only on maps without hammer pickup"
sv_infogot, 64, "got:", "Autoresearch text success text"
sv_inforesearched, 64, "researched:", "Manual hammer research success text"
sv_hackedairstrike, 64, "hacked Alica-AI and got an airstrike!", "Became airstrike text at research"
sv_gotairstrike, 64, "got an airstrike!", "Became airstrike text no-research"
sv_scepticmsg_on, 1,0,1, "Enable energynator sceptic msg."
sv_happymsg_on, 1,0,1, "Enable energynator sceptic msg."
sv_bonusmsg_on, 1,0,1, "Enable generic research and metamorph-messages."
sv_scepticenergynator_a, 128, "Energynator: You are a mutant, aren't you?", "Sceptic energynator text 1"
sv_scepticenergynator_b, 128, "Energynator: Starting fillup... Hey wait a minute!", "Sceptic energynator text 2"
sv_scepticenergynator_c, 128, "Energynator: Go away scary mutant!", "Sceptic energynator text 3"
sv_scepticenergynator_d, 128, "Energynator: :P", "Sceptic energynator text 4"
sv_scepticenergynator_e, 128, "Energynator: Help!!! I'm getting raped my mutants!", "Sceptic energynator text 5"
sv_happyreapinator_a, 128, "Reapinator: Hello alien-reaper. I'm your personal fan (but don't tell this energynator), "Happy reapinator text 1"
sv_happyreapinator_b, 128, "Reapinator: Hint: If your eyes are flashing you are almost undestructable!", "Happy reapinator text 2"
sv_happyreapinator_c, 128, "Reapinator: I love you!", "Happy reapinator text 3"
sv_happyreapinator_d, 128, "Reapinator: You are sooo cool!", "Happy reapinator text 4"
sv_happyreapinator_e, 128, "Reapinator: A real reaper!", "Happy reapinator test 5"
sv_survivebonus, 3,0,9999, "Score bonus for survive at game-end."
sv_dummy, 1,0,1, "Useless empty dummy for vote"
EDIT: New download links, kindly provided by Mo2:
Source code diff against teeworlds 0.6.1
Entities and maps