Topic: How to create a mod?

guys how to create a mod?


Re: How to create a mod?

I don't know yikes
Maybe you read the FAQ!


Re: How to create a mod?

1stly you need the Teeworlds Souce-Code.
You can download the zip here or the Linux (taz.gz) here

Wenn you finish coding you need to compile your product.
You can see the way to make it here or by this video

To make the MOD you need Visual C++ 2010 Express

Playing Teeworlds since 2011!
"I will always be topless for you"
                  - Günther Branlutte

4 (edited by .:ALIPIKACHU:. 2012-01-30 13:03:08)

Re: How to create a mod?

That's not Everyone's work .....
It's Hard a bit

5 (edited by Mo2 2012-01-30 13:55:34)

Re: How to create a mod?

@alessiodp - You have to learn C++ and start programming. If you ever did this then you should already have a clue what a "mod" could be. So I'm pretty sure you are not that far currently.

If you are able to read this: https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds/ … racter.cpp then you can continue, get the source and start creating a mod.

If not (means if you don't have a clue what all that > and * should mean) then take a deep look here first: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/
I would recommend to read each section up to Polymorphism. Take you time. If you don't understand a section go backwards. If you are fast and know already some other programming language you can probably try first steps in about 2-3 days I guess (but don't expect too much). At least you should know afterwards what a constructor is and that you can "modify" values there for example. smile - If you never did some programming before then I'm pretty sure you would need way longer. But creating a mod is not fully the same then creating all new from scratch. Anyway you have to know where and how you may move things around because it's very easy to do invalid stuff.


Re: How to create a mod?

Learn C++ and know the Source smile

7 (edited by DARK HUNTER 2012-01-30 21:57:54)

Re: How to create a mod?

You guys make it sound complicated.
Here,let me:

1. Sit down

2. Create your mod

3. Test if there are bugs.

4. Share your work.

Now,was that so hard?


Moritz wrote:

Learn C++ and know the Source

You are saying it as if they are 2 different things.

Once in a century...


Re: How to create a mod?


You guys make it sound complicated.

Coz programming is complicated and need time? If you have to ask "how to create a mod" then I'm sure most time you have no experience in programming. If somebody is asking "how to create a new skin" then it's different. You can tell him which graphics program he need and he can start. If he is gifted it might look nice but even if it look ugly it most likely "works". Worst case: It looks terrible or is the wrong format. Same at "how to create a map". You can tell him where to find the mapeditor and even childs get some results if you give them some minor hints (they can be crap afterwards but at least it's not that difficult to get them working). But regarding programming a game you don't just need the "right tool" and a creative nature but much experience. Telling somebody who did never wrote C++ previously to get MS-VisualC++ is almost the same as telling somebody to get MS-Office that speaks just french but would know how to write a new bestseller novel in russian. His problem is not that he did not have the right authoring software but mostly that he don't speak the language (and in that case it's way more difficult to learn a new language then getting a tool that is accepting your ideas afterwards).


Re: How to create a mod?

Narf.. I would say, look into the teeworlds source (download is in another post, this topic).
Try to find out what function does, understand the system.
And then find a "entry point" for your mod, as example when the chat packet comes from the client
in the GameContext Class.
There is a function called "OnMessage", what could that mean? -> When we receive a message? Yes.
So, its handling a packet.
Then there are difficult types for a packet. (Every packet has a "Operationcode", to know, what packet it is).
It checks and sees, it is a chat packet (The name says all...). And with m_pMessage from the ChatPacket, you can
check, if the message contains badwords and replace them. And THEN send them back to each other player.
This is, how you do a mod.

But thats not all!
As said, you need to compile it, i would say, use my Beginner "compiler", its just a GUI for bam, everything with buttons. big_smile
For the program you'll need the Source in C:\teeworlds\source\ , and bam should be located under C:\teeworlds\bam\

So, if you want my tool: http://codingshare.de/showthread.php?tid=88 <- Greez from BeefyX (my old nickname) c(:

Have fun with your mod, i hope you will make good mods (not like me, i only do citys D:)

10 (edited by Leefy 2012-01-31 17:53:12)

Re: How to create a mod?

Well first if you don't know or have seen a programming language go to wibit.net it is very well explained wink

Teecrusaders clan
Leefy's blog! Never give up! on the way of becoming a programer! wink


Re: How to create a mod?

Mo2 wrote:

Coz programming is complicated and need time?

I see you understood my joke tongue

Once in a century...