Topic: [MOD] Survival 0.6 [0.3 update]
Survival 0.6 (0.3 version)
This is my remake of survival mod that was on 0.5.1 and earlyer versions!
Rules are same, u have some weapons with some bullets at start, and u need to survive.
- When u die, u can't spawn while round not ended
- When round ends, scores doesn't get reseted
- There is 2 gamemodes in this mod: survtdm, survdm
Survival Tdm:
- 2 teams
- Wins that one, who kill all others
Survival Dm:
- Each fight for himself
- Wins that one, who stay alive
There is 2 servers online with name of [DreamerS] clan with this mod, check it!
Changes 0.2
- fixed bug with stuck on taking limit score
- fixed crash on changing teams
- fixed joining at the different time
- fixed clear score on restart
- added configs for start weapons and healt with armors
- added configs for start pickups on maps
Changes 0.3
- fixed uncompatible version
- fixed continue of round when time limit end
- added missed configs for surv dm gametype
- added broadcast when u killed and wanna join in game
- added configs for respawn of weapons and pickups while round not end
Windows 0.3 version
Linux 0.1 version (x86/32 bit) thx to Teelevision
Availible configs:
sv_gametype survtdm
sv_gametype survdm
sv_givehealth "How much hearts will give at start"
sv_givearmor "How much armors will give at start"
sv_giveweapon_hammer "1-with hammer/0-without"
sv_giveweapon_gun "1-with gun/0-without"
sv_giveweapon_shotgun "How much shotgun bullets will give at start (-1 infinite)"
sv_giveweapon_grenade "How much grenade bullets will give at start (-1 infinite)"
sv_giveweapon_laser "How much laser bullets will give at start (-1 infinite)"
sv_hideweapons "1-hide weapons/0-not"
sv_hidepickups "1-hide hearts and armors/0-not"
[new in 0.3 version]
sv_respawn_pickups "1-pickups respawn while round/0-don't"
sv_respawn_weapons "1-weapons respawn while round/0-don't"
p.s.: This is my first server mod, so please don't be very strict
p.s.s.: If you have some suggestions or bug reports, you are welcome!