Topic: [SERVER] Turn on map vote permanently and turn off grenade collision


I have a race server with DDRace. How can I turn the function on to vote other maps? I have 6 maps and I can log into my rcon and then I go to vote and can type in "change_map ShortDance". Then I can vote for ShortDance. But when I restart the server, this vote disappears. I don't know what to type into the config.cfg. I want to activate the vote function for 6 maps. My second problem is - in the config.cfg I typed  "player_collision 0" and "player_hooking 0". Both worked successful. No one can touch me so that I can be pushed away and no one can hook at me and pull me away. But when someone hits me with a grenade, i fly a bit away and this is not good in my race server. Can someone help me with permanently map vote and non grenade collision?

Sorry for my bad English

Mortn smile


Re: [SERVER] Turn on map vote permanently and turn off grenade collision

This is how you add votes in your configuration file:
add_vote "Description" "command"


Re: [SERVER] Turn on map vote permanently and turn off grenade collision

Afaik vanilla teeworlds doesn't support something like "non grenade collision".
You might ask in the specific topic of the race mod you are using, or the developer directly.