Topic: [MOD] ddrace
can someone tell me how can i build a ddrace server?
i dont know how to create the ninja efect in the black areas
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Teeworlds Forum → Modifications → [MOD] ddrace
can someone tell me how can i build a ddrace server?
i dont know how to create the ninja efect in the black areas
1. Awesome Skin Pikachu
2. Go Right here … l1.4.1l7l0
3. Save YOUR DDrace Tileset under save as... And Then Put it in Desktop.
4. Go to Teeworlds Folder -> Data -> Editor
5. Erase your current entities.png
6. Rename your DDRace Entities to entities.png
7. Put the DDRace entities into Your Editor folder.
8. DON'T go here Yet
9.Well you need to download the DDRace Mod So .. Yeah. At least You know how to put DDRace tiles down.
There's absolutely no need to get the entities. He's only asking for the mod, and you didn't explain him how to setup a server. Thus, your post is useless, sir.
If you want Freeze in Black Areas, Yes. you do need The Correct Entities. I couldn't find The mod because the .info sight was closed. There are plenty of posts about setting up servers.
The site seems to be closed, but this link here is still working.
here you can get the ddrace-mod.
Teeworlds Forum → Modifications → [MOD] ddrace
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