1 (edited by azmeuk 2008-03-12 03:07:23)

Topic: Three ideas of terrain

Hello world
To begin, I'm french so excuse my bad English, some words of this topic are directly coming from google translation smile
I have three suggestions :
Why don't make water in the game ? Areas would be under water and the tees could swim, but slower than they run, and where guns would not work.
Why don't make iced areas where the tees would slide ?
Why don't make bouncing floor (wall, ceil...), such as rubber ?

I hope thoses ideas will please you, and won't be to hard to make.

Play ctf_fall if you dare!


Re: Three ideas of terrain

i think the underwater thing would be a bit wierd..
but the rubber sounds good! would increase the hectic action of the game if ur chasing someone and they land on rubber then go flying up or in all directions.. or if the direction it propelled u was random!


Re: Three ideas of terrain

There are already water tiles, but they make no movment changes. (Get the tile-set somewhere).

No, that is not me; it's just a figment of your imagination.


Re: Three ideas of terrain

I think the guns should work in water, but if they are shot in/into water, the bullets move slower. The rubber would be weird, in my opinion. And ice tiles just seem natural.

if($poster["intelligence"] == $intelligence["idiot"])


Re: Three ideas of terrain

/me agrees with all 3 suggestions of terrain. Reminds me of Kirby. Under water you can't use weapons except hammer.

would be nice smile



Re: Three ideas of terrain

I can suggest one more terrain type - unhookable - to make rooms without ability to use hooks.


Re: Three ideas of terrain

azmeuk idea is very good

Sorry for my english; typical germans ;-)


Re: Three ideas of terrain

i think in water guns work, but cells will be slowly fly ^)

sorry for my bad English smile

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