Re: Delete me! No one likes me :)
Elite tee: thanks for comment, but I could say what features you do not like? (Except Gores Style) Thx alot!
You can see the H-Client section in setting tab.... you dont have more options.... :\
This client only have colors in chat messages.
This client don't have icons to all events.
This client don't generate false info.
This client hidden useless info.
I only have a one problem with my client.... and...... i dont like wait when i click in a server in the serverbrowser (This problem is why i not preload images... :\)....
P.S: Tomorrow i was release more commands to disable 3D effects and other stuff.... :\
P.S2: The new concept of the customer only has just over 4 weeks old.... be understandable to problems.. thanks