1 (edited by Theolol 2011-10-27 13:03:37)

Topic: [MAP] zEsc mod ze_jungle

Hey guys :-)

Since 22:00 CET yesterday it's finally online!
I'd like to present you my new map ze_jungle .
It's mapped for the known zEsc mod*.
Since I've worked for it for about a 1/4 year I'd like to get a lot of feedback.
(I just think that sometimes while mapping my desire for good design has just vanished - so it's not always that good designed :-/ )
So this version is just for you to give me feedback ;-) If you want to play it with correct door times, etc. please visit the offical servers.

There are at the moment 2 kind's of servers hosted:

1. Changing Difficulties SV
    If team blue wins the difficulty is changed to a harder lvl [Easy -> Normal -> Hard -> Insane].
    (Requiers own .cfg data.)

2. "Normal" Difficulty SV
    Always the same difficulty: normal.
    (Requiers own .cfg data.)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Some facts 'bout the map


map_name: ze_jungle
gametype: zEsc
size: 750x275
download size: 149 kb
current_version: 0.4.7
Online on: all  "Zombie Escape Beta Server"
created by: Theoløl
Thanks: To Calvino & all other testers. :-)
Problem: The map needs .cfg data for correct gameplay. Otherwise all doors will be set on 10sec opening (Which is of course not the right way to play it) I'll upload these datas later 'coz atm this map should be exclusively played on "Zombie Escape Beta Servers"

used tilesets



Credits for those embedded ones go to: Landil, Calvino

    Download & Screens

Download 'ze_jungle'

PunBB bbcode test

PunBB bbcode test

PunBB bbcode test

PunBB bbcode test

PunBB bbcode test

*(For those of you who don't know it, it's all 'bout zombie team(red) tryin' to catch the Humans (blue). The humans try, of course, to refuge.)


P.S: I hope it wasn't to difficult to understand that the map requiers a config data which will be uploaded someday. So please do not try to host this map on a zEsc server. I'll upload it here only for gettin' critismn.

+ Feel free to show me my grammar / spelling mistakes. I would be glad 'coz I'd like to improve my english :P


Re: [MAP] zEsc mod ze_jungle

I played the map and it's really great. However I have to say that I dislike the shop, I don't like that people who play longer in the server get advantage over others. That's just not teeworld-ish. smile


Re: [MAP] zEsc mod ze_jungle

looks great, keep it on! :3

4 (edited by Cart 2011-10-27 20:38:45)

Re: [MAP] zEsc mod ze_jungle

I played it also and I like it as well but I didn't liked one little fact when I played it: the boosters(I don't know if they are in the current version).
I don't think that they are needed but otherwise it's a good map.:D

[21:15:20] Tom-d1ed: das ist ja mal so
[21:15:21] Tom-d1ed: extrem schlecht


Re: [MAP] zEsc mod ze_jungle

I cannot find this servers anywhere. But i'd like to host map, so please post config?


Re: [MAP] zEsc mod ze_jungle

That's the problem. We lost the configs because the server went down and we didn't have a backup.
Also we both aren't playing teeworlds anymore and have lots of other stuff to do so we didn't fix that.
Sorry hmm


Re: [MAP] zEsc mod ze_jungle

Thats a shame. If I look at map, when I get time, I might rebuild the config. I will obviously  build one that I think plaeyers will have the most fun. Of course also a bit of challenge.

8 (edited by BotoX 2012-05-07 15:42:32)

Re: [MAP] zEsc mod ze_jungle

Look at the map internal config in ze_hotel. It could teach you some cool stuff ^^
exec(variable) gets replaced by the variable value -> say Servername: exec(sv_name)
Trigger stuff:
!activator gets replaced by the client id of the user which activated the trigger.
!activator.name ....
!activator.team ....
!activator.score ....
!activator.pos_x / !activator.pos_y ....
Dunno, I dropped the mod a while ago and can't remember all the things hmm
Also I haven't documentated the new changes like the !activator stuff and the different trigger types (once, mulitple, playeronce)