Topic: [MUSIC] Alternative main-menu song.
Hi all,
I was playing a bit around with a song maker and after a few hours i thought: "Hey this sounds pretty good".
My friends agreed, so i decided to port it to teeworlds and share it now with you guys.
Please leave responses and I hope you like it .
Linky: … ic_menu.wv [10 MB]
1. Open your teeworlds folder.
2. Open the folder "Data".
3. Open the folder "audio".
4. Place the file you can download above in the folder and overwrite the existing file.
5. Run teeworlds!
If you dont hear the song, open teeworlds click on Options. Then click Sound. Then make sure that Use sounds is checked, that Play background music is checked and that sound volume is full (and sound rate on 48000).