Topic: Donations

I wonder how much money people have already donated to the Teeworlds project.
I'm curious because I'm a game programmer myself and thinking about adding a "Donate" option to my games.
Are there any numbers?

2 (edited by Slayer *gV* 2011-09-16 23:01:14)

Re: Donations

Matricks wrote:

Teeworlds has about 800 euro saved up from donations. I think roughly 1500 euro in donations in total or something like that.

(See: http://www.teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopi … 099#p79099)


Re: Donations

pretty cool that people like to donate a game that gave them so much!
i didnt donate yet, but if i still play teeworlds when i have my own job i would be happy to give a little donation to teeworlds (=

Thanks to all donators
And thanks to teeworlds :3