Topic: Things that won't get better.
Hey, after months of playing TW i found a few bugs, that are actually unrepairable. Unless you want to remake humanity.
This thing makes me really f*king angry sometimes. I just play long ddraces (such as skynet compl.) with friends... then some random tee starts votekicking me. For some weird reason it gets many positive votes and i get baned for 5 minutes, that actually destroys whole cool game.
Problem no. 2.. Happens at blocking servers. Someone comes to me, trough freezing column... he is freezed and he see i'm not gonna block him, i also send hearts. After he gets normal, he just block me... WHY?
Then there are also people such as Mamie Blaize, who blocked me just for getting my points, i'd like to notice i was playing in his team for like 20 minutes. He started doing this after he noticed i logged in.
PRO couples doesn't help noobs?
Well, happened to me like 4 times. Me and some nooby friends were playing Jupiter. 2 PROS were one puzzle in front of us. I told them to hook us to them, but they just "dont help noobs". One of them was even from my country!