1 (edited by Viligre 2008-03-28 23:39:25)

Topic: [SKIN] Sonic and Spider-Man

Some skins. It is not only my(my only Sonic), but it made by person from our forum and I thought it is interesting.


Re: [SKIN] Sonic and Spider-Man

Nice ideas!

But it is not a clean layout. Look e.g. at the blue fill at the spider skin. It still has red pixels! If you play the game with a large monitor (e.g. 22") you'll see those artifacts. Probably you'll also see the skeletized outline of the sonic skin.

Take a look at the video tutorial on how to make skins with a vector program. You will profit a lot from your new vector skills - maybe for school or even work. You'll find the howto here: http://www.teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=996

Question? search function
Short movies? Lappi's link loft
Teeworlds info'n'tuts on gfx? Landil's sketchbook


Re: [SKIN] Sonic and Spider-Man

there are no shadows...

Please use an english signature //heinrich5991


Re: [SKIN] Sonic and Spider-Man

Added a Nuclear skin.


Re: [SKIN] Sonic and Spider-Man

Hej, try to rework your skins with a vector program, e.g. Inkscape to give them a professional look. If you don't know how to do it, give the sticky topic "[GUIDE] Skin Tutorial" a try! It is worth the time.

Question? search function
Short movies? Lappi's link loft
Teeworlds info'n'tuts on gfx? Landil's sketchbook


Re: [SKIN] Sonic and Spider-Man

Nuclear looks like my skin Radioactive

big_smile I'm sorry for my bad English


Re: [SKIN] Sonic and Spider-Man

chinichi show me your Radioactive skin. i cann't found it.
Lappi, I will try to use Inkscape. Now I am use Photoshop.