1 (edited by dragonboltz 2011-09-03 22:05:21)

Topic: {skins} dragonboltz

i am doing my  jason  his feet is not done tongue post    helpful stuff big_smile               
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/85 … ohees.png/   if its black   than   its ok     test it out if not work tell me  big_smile

2 (edited by tee_burger 2011-09-03 22:07:47)

Re: {skins} dragonboltz

This post was unnecessary. Don't post things with {skins} when, you have no skins to show.


(Next time put the skin on with the original post instead of posting in advance.)

And I'm sorry 2 say it but that skin is awful

mmMmmmMMmmmmmmmm...........tasty tee burger ^^
BLAM...BLAM....BLAM!!!! ----- you have been teestroyed
Classic Tee Burger  since 08' and 4.3


Re: {skins} dragonboltz

.........i know sad i    fix it every 2 days..