I can't believe i actually registered just for this topic. Anyways, i did.
So, guys/girls(ontheinternet?) give this kid a break.
He obviously doesn't know what to expect, but instead of trying to be all "you can't, it's hard, you have, ... blabla",
why not go all in and let him on his self get frustrated (oh, you will, sooner or later) and give him some damn links.
Here, I'll start:
The teeworlds source
cplusplus.com: A somewhat nice c++ tutorial (they also host a complete documentation)
Lazyfoo's SDL Tutorials
(skimmed thru the teewars sources, as i'm not familiar with it, but i think i saw some sdl include, sooo, maybe sdl is used.)
The Gameprogramming Wiki (lots of tuts and language agnostic stuff)
Code::Blocks (its a IDE, very good one. For the illiterate: write code with it, it helps you along the way [autocompletion, w00t])
Also, the pdf you got, "The C Programming Language", is THE standart book for learning C, so, if you're serious, read it, do the excersizes, and you'll learn lots of stuff. (Use FoxitReader)
Aw, damn, as the follow up post made me aware of, lua is not really used, only for a configure script for building.
So, now, since i belive all you want to do is mod a few things, and while looking through the teeworld source, i saw lua is used (presumably for stuff like weapon, player, level scripting n shit) why not get down on lua. Its not as heavy as c++ is, since its "only" a scripting language, and i think you can get ALOT done by modding the lua scripts.
Programming in Lua (great tut and introduction to lua. btw, since i think you've heard of world of warcraft (oh lord, how i hate that shit), lua is heavily used for the gui and plugins etc in WoW).
Aw, damn, as the follow up post made me aware of, lua is not really used, only for a configure script for building.
BUT there seems a lot of python going on (AHA!).
Lets see if i can dig up any thing on python, should be no problem, its widely used.
Of course, official, in the documentation included, tutorials. Perfect
One for python3
One for python2
and of course the documentation
Last but not least, the path of least resistance: (this is most likely up your alley)
You probably only want to have some fun with tweaking physics n guns n stuff, so a really easy way is to just set up
a teeworlds server. Read this on howto set one up.
Then, you can either just tweak in the server shell, or by modifying the config file. Look, im even so helpful to have made a example cfg with ALL server settings and parameters already in it, only uncomment and tweak
Download it here. (if its not working, copy paste from this)
For example, wanna play in (almost) zero gravity?
No problemo, just do this in the shell or in the config file:
"tune gravity 0.1"
voila, done. Same goes for weapon settings and other things.
And just for the mood:
can't hold my self back.... i have to just.... AAArrrrggggg .... penis