dremy wrote:MassDestruction i dont want open my port becouse is risk to take some virous you have some other way to run my server?
If you open a port somebody or something could connect to it. In case of a router it's often not enough to open just one port because many routers use NAT. That's a good thing because that way not only one PC may connect over that router to the internet but even your video-console, your tablet, your handy over WLAN, your fridge or whatever. Normally all those devices don't get their own public IP but are hidden behind your one public IP you got from your ISP. So you have for example one 212.x.x.x address from your IP on the "outside" of your router but (for example) a lot of 10.0.0.x addresses (which is a "private range") "inside". In that case if somebody is just connecting to your 212.x.x.x address on an open port he would not reach your PC because your router don't know what to do with this packet. You would even need port-forwarding that tells the router "if somebody is connecting to 212.x.x.x on port 8303 then forward all that crap to the internal IP address 10.0.0.x on port 1234" (which is your PC afterwards). If you router knows that forward and a TW-Server is listening on port 1234 on your PC then others may connect to it. If nothing is listening on your internal IP on that port he would have most likely bad luck again. Even a virus should not be able to do some dumb stuff. A virus in the nature needs a thing that lives and can be "used" or it can't steal the "live-thing" and would not work right (many bacterium would even work for themself - but as far as I know there are no PC-bacteriums so far ). So if a virus can't find something it can use to get "alive" he can't do dumb stuff. If you open just one 8303 TW Port on your router and forward it to your PC where a TW-server is running your PC is as save as the TW-server was written. If the TW-server got a lot of bugs it's possible (in theory) that a virus would get access to your PC with the same level the user is running the server. But normally a virus don't know how to use TW-bugs (but how to use OS-Bugs) and even don't care regarding it. A bored or angry hacker may know and use bugs. So it's at least no good idea to run your TW-Server as Admin. At least many TW-servers got crashed regarding bugs in the past and I'm pretty sure that even other bugs would be used in the future in one or another way.
Conclusion: If you open ALL ports on your router that is using NAT and forward ALL of them to your PC (so even RPC, SMB, ... Ports) then it's possible that even a virus get access. But if you run a TW-Server and just open one port on your router and forward just that port to your PC then hackers that are using TW-bugs are a much bigger problem then viruses (that most likely don't care regarding rare used TW-servers compared to the hole world with million of PCs and servers that may be infected by OS-bugs). There is no 100% security at the moment you connect your PC to the internet. If you run a server you even have to trust the coders of the server. If you don't know how to read source or get a closed-source application somebody may put in an run some dumb stuff on your PC afterwards. If you would like to get sure... disconnect your PC from internet.