Topic: lvling servers

I just wanted to ask something. About those servers with lvling (I think they are caled build servers).
There are 2 servers on whic you use the same accounts. And most players use those 2 server.
Well I noticed that I have a problem with that server.
I hit some players few times and I just can't kill them. Then they kill me with 1 shot. And they are only 10 lvls stronger, but it's the same with some lower lvls, even 5 lvl player can kill me with 1 shot and that is when I mean when I have all harts and shields. I mean realy, I'm lvl 72. This just dosen't have any sence. I mean I should be geting stronger whit lvls.

Can you just tell me the rules of the server?
I simply can't play on those like this servers any more.

2 (edited by HeroiAmarelo 2011-08-23 12:03:00)

Re: lvling servers

What that players make is:
Buy life and not weapons upgrade. there is a command called /upgrade (/upgr) our /buy heald.
Costs the same that a weapon upgrade smile

EDIT: Take some links:

Playing Teeworlds since 2011!
"I will always be topless for you"
                  - Günther Branlutte


Re: lvling servers

No one told me about this thing.

But when I tryed this nothing happened. Am I suppost to add something to it like /upgrade wepon or something?


Re: lvling servers

/upgr to make upgrades. Exeples:
/upgr gun
/upgr laser

To make heald upgrades write:
/upgr heald

Do not write /upgrade write /upgr

Playing Teeworlds since 2011!
"I will always be topless for you"
                  - Günther Branlutte


Re: lvling servers

The commands only work in the KoG|Lvl Servers, not the Kog|Build, but better ask at the n-lvl.com forum for more help.


Re: lvling servers

I think that you have to upgrade in KoG|Lvl but it will working in Build too. smile

Playing Teeworlds since 2011!
"I will always be topless for you"
                  - Günther Branlutte


Re: lvling servers

What is the difference?
And do upgrades work on bouth?


Re: lvling servers

Niki49 wrote:

Better ask at the n-lvl.com forum for more help.


Re: lvling servers

When you start play on build, is showed info, that on build you can't upgrade weap, it's upgraded automatically.


Re: lvling servers

But my complain about everyone is killing me with 1 shot and it is hard for me to kill people is about build servers!


Re: lvling servers

Whats exactly the server that u'r talking about?

Playing Teeworlds since 2011!
"I will always be topless for you"
                  - Günther Branlutte


Re: lvling servers

I play mostly on 1 kog|lvl|build server.
There are always players playing there.


Re: lvling servers

In that game type you cannot make upgrs. They are maked by immerses.

I'm in level 32 and I have 34 heads. Who many heads do you have?

Playing Teeworlds since 2011!
"I will always be topless for you"
                  - Günther Branlutte


Re: lvling servers

Heads? You mean like those red harts? I tryed colecting them, but I newer got max, so I though that it's useles, I mean like I get it but it dosen't make me stronger...


Re: lvling servers

Use other client to see who many harts do you have. Gamer Client can do it 4 u.

Playing Teeworlds since 2011!
"I will always be topless for you"
                  - Günther Branlutte


Re: lvling servers

You mean tee worlds 4.2?

Can't they add a change in this newest wersion? So when you have more that 10 it shows a number.


Re: lvling servers

FORCE wrote:

You mean tee worlds 4.2?

Can't they add a change in this newest wersion? So when you have more that 10 it shows a number.

Vanilla client do not support mods. There is no use of supporting more than 10 health for vanilla.

Not Luck, Just Magic.

18 (edited by FORCE 2011-08-25 09:26:53)

Re: lvling servers

And a player named zoros why is lvl 50 now uses bot, I know because he is turning his gun around in constant speed and I sow him shots horizontaly tvice in a row while moveing his gun. No one can do this.

O and he speaks german.

Is there a way of reseting the skills?
Because I noticed that I fucked up something and I need those skill points.

Now that I now how do those lvl servers work everything is working great for me.

I have only a cmoplain about the hammermines. I just hate those things.
Can you make them desapear when the player dies?
And meybe make them not explode on the end, but only when someone runs into them?
That would be great.


Re: lvling servers

FORCE wrote:

O and he speaks german.

Now that I now how do those lvl servers work everything is working great for me.

I have only a cmoplain about the hammermines. I just hate those things.
Can you make them desapear when the player dies?
And meybe make them not explode on the end, but only when someone runs into them?
That would be great.

We can't make. Ask the developers of that mod.


Re: lvling servers

I asked the develepor, and he said he wouldn't change it so, all those thousands of noobs won't stop playing the mod.


Re: lvling servers

Please define "noob". It looks like as if we do use this word differently.

Antoine de Saint Exupéry: It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Besides -  I am the gfx guy!


Re: lvling servers

I think he ment the players that use hammer mines.
I hate those. Makes me and my frends angry...
Luckely only a third or less players do it.


Before I posted that last post I made a pause because of those mines and when I comed back to server there were no more mines XD


Spitfire wrote:

I asked the develepor, and he said he wouldn't change it so, all those thousands of noobs won't stop playing the mod.

So what you are saying is that this is a NOOB MOD?
But since I know that a lot of "noobs" can't stand each others company the servers would be empty. But they aren't.
Meaning you are just talking shit so you are a NOOB. And you didn't even asked a developer.

Merged three posts. /Kottizen


Re: lvling servers

Please don't double or even tripple post. There is an edit function, you know?

24 (edited by FORCE 2011-08-25 15:45:40)

Re: lvling servers

Hey, the posts have nothing to do with each other.
I had to make 2. Otherwise it would just look stupid to me.
And I don't thnk it uses much more speace that 1 post.

And ghost, can you delite your, dones and this post?


Re: lvling servers

You made three posts, not two. Also, you can use paragraphs to distinguish what has no link to what. When you send a snail-mail to your grandmother, do you use two different mails to ask her if she's feeling good and if you can have some cake for christmas?

Not Luck, Just Magic.