About your account system suggestion, in the official ideas for the next version topic there's a section about account based functions, which allow you e.g. to send offline messages:
|SUGGESTION| Ideas for the next version wrote:Account based functions (Accounts are currently not implementend, but will be at some point)
• Ability to report specific users
• Account based statistics
• Achievement system
• A personal ignore option
• Auto-join on clanmembers
• Ingame system to form clans
• List for friends and ignored users
• Long term statistics about kill / death ratio, flags times, weapon usage, etc.
• Show the nationality of each player (Example)
• Use clan name as team name instead of "Red" or "Blue"
And again about the Private Messaging feature:
Community features
• Private messaging (it requires accounts)
Anyway if you need to send a private message to someone in a server you need to change the source, anyway I guess that developers are thinking on something about it since we have already the new highlight system in the chat.
» Albert Einsteein: I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.