1 (edited by Catalin 2011-07-31 16:54:58)

Topic: [GRAPHICS] by Catalin

I think i improved a bit since my last post i trained a bit and his is what i got :
I hope you like it.
Jungle Tee

      I'm gonna kill you!
My avatar was made by R.I.P TeBob.


Re: [GRAPHICS] by Catalin

I like it, you have improved big_smile

Maybe the eyes could be bigger.


Re: [GRAPHICS] by Catalin

The feet's corners are too sharp in my opinion.

Make a circle, ovallize it, and place it under ^^

If this made no sense, send me a message on skype and maybe I could demonstrate it?

4 (edited by Warfates 2011-08-03 00:55:28)

Re: [GRAPHICS] by Catalin

EDIT: I see the picture!
Really nice work, i'm impressed!

The funny about this signature is that you
don't realize until now that it's a useless signature
but it's too late to stop reading.


Re: [GRAPHICS] by Catalin

i know what u mean alias i was never good with feet i would like to know how to make the feet same as crises does but i don't know how he does it...

      I'm gonna kill you!
My avatar was made by R.I.P TeBob.


Re: [GRAPHICS] by Catalin

Is it just me or is the tee in the background taking a "pee"...

Italic text


Re: [GRAPHICS] by Catalin

it is taking a pee indeed

      I'm gonna kill you!
My avatar was made by R.I.P TeBob.