1 (edited by Ricczz 2011-07-20 14:21:45)

Topic: [MAP] TDM by ricczz

Hey guys^^

This is my first map so please say what you think of it :)

It's a TDM (for 1v1 - 4v4 (5v5) )

For 0.6 (made it with 0.6)

Screenshots : 1. (with the game layer) with game layer

2. (without the game layer) without game layer

Please download and try it :)!

I prefer to know , if my map is good or not , so please let a rate here or something else ! :)


Re: [MAP] TDM by ricczz

Would be better for DM, but it is good for a start. On the top left, try to make the background tiles a little darker than the foreground tiles to make it easier to distinguish the difference. For CTF, i recommend symmetry, but it's okay smile


Re: [MAP] TDM by ricczz

alias wrote:

Would be better for DM, but it is good for a start. On the top left, try to make the background tiles a little darker than the foreground tiles to make it easier to distinguish the difference. For CTF, i recommend symmetry, but it's okay smile

Thx smile
I changed it now like this :  http://www.imgbox.de/users/public/images/8mlIdHYdcO.png
and the new mode is tdm smile


Re: [MAP] TDM by ricczz

I think its good for your first map wink
now you have to experiment with the whole map editor =]
I hadnt got a tutorial and learned all allone
Hvae fun tongue


Re: [MAP] TDM by ricczz

I think for a start, it's quite nice.
However, there are some things I don't like: There are many very narrow spots, and in many of them are pickups. This might be nice in some cases, but it should not be a general rule, and it will make movement harder and slow down everything.
Also try not to place pickups at the ceiling, those are very hard (slow) to get. For the looks, a bit more creativity for the doodads would also be nice, currently the map looks kind of empty.


Re: [MAP] TDM by ricczz

I can just agree to the posts before.

For your first map it is really good (compared with the first maps of other new mappers (oh hell, what some new mappers show us.. yikes)).

But ofc its not that good compared with official maps:

  1. Movement isnt very smooth:

    • Buttom has just single "islands" (hard to move)

    • You shouldn't use "stairs" (slows down)

    • Pickups are hard to get with high speed

    • Narrow corridors slow down

  2. Pickups aren't placed well:

    • Main pickups are on top right (not balanced on the map)

    • Hard to reach

  3. Balancement red/blue:

    • Height advantage for red (red can shoot down the corridors with grenades, while blue can only shoot up (rifle/gun)

    • "Number of pickups advantage" for blue

  4. Graphics:

    • No background

    • only few doodads

However, i'm excited to see more maps! smile


Re: [MAP] TDM by ricczz

A big thanks to all ! smile

I'm kind of a new member in teeworlds + forum.
I knew about tw for a month now and i found / heard about the editor 2 days before and i was happy to be able to edit my map^^
So my ffirst goal was to finish a map^^

I think i'm going to make a new map and let this map stay like it is, because now i know what i have to do for a good map^^

Oh and thanks that you like it for a first try ! smile


Re: [MAP] TDM by ricczz

Ricczz wrote:

I think i'm going to make a new map and let this map stay like it is, because now i know what i have to do for a good map^^

Oh and thanks that you like it for a first try ! smile

Im sure your second will be a great map :)
Just dont forget: Have fun and enjoy teeworlds! ;)


Re: [MAP] TDM by ricczz

Thanks man^^
I do ..i do smile


Re: [MAP] TDM by ricczz

A lot of the main problems have been pointed out by alias, ghost and slayer, I'm not gonna repeat these, but there is one I would especially like to tell you:

Mapping is not filling a quad. It's something I very often see with new mappers, and I did the same in my beginnings. You shouldn't create your map on the editor, that's important. Design it like you want with a pencil and a sheet of paper then reproduce it in the editor, and rearrange it later. It looks obvious you have started from a quad then tried to put some blocks onto it. If you would have used the pencil to draw and imagine, you wouldn't have done something so quadratic.

Again, it's nothing bad, it's absolutely normal, and to be honest your map is a good start.

Last advice, not to improve your map by any means, but you save you some time: right click on a tile, and click "Game tiles" then "Collision", it will make everything from this tile solid, so you won't have to fill it manually smile

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: [MAP] TDM by ricczz

Thanks again^^

I would do this first but then i thought hmm maybe it will not make sense ;D
but ok i will do it so on my next map^^

Yeah i heard about collision but did not find it big_smile
Thanks smile


Re: [MAP] TDM by ricczz

Well, when I get bored in school, I sketch a nice CTF map, and when I come to make it in the editor, nothing is proportional hahaha big_smile

Also, more into the gameplay of your map, I would recommend making all tunnels at minimum 7 tees tall.