1 (edited by JohnDoe 2011-06-11 19:14:05)

Topic: [RESOLVED]Debuging and development

Tell me please how i can debug project parts, what IDE or tool i must use ?


Re: [RESOLVED]Debuging and development

Is this spam? He never said "teeworlds"...

Once in a century...


Re: [RESOLVED]Debuging and development

Not it is not a spam.
Parts of teeworlds project if you want.
But how about not flood answer ?


Re: [RESOLVED]Debuging and development

When you compile teeworlds instead of:

..\bam\bam release


..\bam\bam server_release

enter this:

..\bam\bam debug


..\bam\bam server_debug

Based on whether you want to debug everything or just server...

Hope it helps smile

Once in a century...


Re: [RESOLVED]Debuging and development

I advise you to check the documentation about this. If you're using Windows, you should get Visual C++ for that.

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: [RESOLVED]Debuging and development

first compile the debug version of the server or client or what ever you want to debug like Elite Tee already described.
Then use gdb in linux or simply Visual C++ in windows to debug teeworlds.
For gdb u can follow the steps described here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace
If u use windows just open Visual C++ and click on Open-->Project... then choose the *_d.exe file u just compiled (* stands for "teeworlds" or "teeworlds_srv"... what ever) and open it. Then right click and properties... there u can set the arguments for the start like "-f config.cfg" or what ever... then simply run the server via Visual C++... there should be a "play" button.

You also can pause the program or set points in the code where the program is supposed to wait to inspect the values of the vars and stuff or run it stepwise...
I dunno how this work with gdb though xD

uptee - a simple web interface for hosting and maintaining teeworlds servers
teerace - a website gathering results of trusted Race-mod servers providing global ranking and statistics
*gV* rox ^^

7 (edited by DARK HUNTER 2011-06-11 20:03:25)

Re: [RESOLVED]Debuging and development

IIRC In Visual Studio (Visual C++) you can go to Options(or Tools)>Attach process

Once in a century...


Re: [RESOLVED]Debuging and development

Thanks all for detailed answers.