Topic: inQontroL Mod [0.7 Trunk]
After a long developement time the work is done.
The new version of the inQontroL Modification is here right now.
The mod is based on the newest 0.6 Trunk source and is autoupdating via github.
There are no (known) Bugs or compiler Warnings and some new nice features.
sv_example = X1, X2, X3 // X1 = standard value, X2 = min. value, X3 = max. value
Aviable gametypes:
Normal vanilla like ctf, tdm, dm without any inQ features
Normal instagib like ictf, itdm, idm without any inQ features
inQ vanilla like ctf*, tdm*, dm* with inQ features
inQ instagib like ictf*, itdm*, idm* with inQ features
// Config
sv_laserjumps = 0, 0, 1 // Laserjumps (Instagib only)
sv_war_time = 10, 0, 1000 // Time before war starts
sv_restart_time = 5, 0, 1000 // Time before round restarts
sv_go_time = 3, 0, 1000 // Time before game starts when paused
sv_fastkill = 0, 0, 1 // Fast respawn on Selfkill (0.5s)
sv_leave_muted = 1, 0, 1 // Can the player leave the Server muted if not he gets banned for the muted time
sv_show_chatkills = 0, 0, 1 // Show chatkills in Chat
sv_antibot = 1, 0, 1 // Automaticly ban players with [bot] in name
sv_xonx_feature = 1, 0, 1 // Enable XonX and reset Chat features
sv_restart_feature = 1, 0, 1 // Enable restart Chat feature
sv_stopgo_feature = 1, 0, 1 // Enable stop and go chat features
// Rcon
all_spec // Spec all
all_red // Red all
all_blue // Blue all
say_to ID TEXT // Say something to somebody. Only he/she can read it
set_name ID NAME // Set Name
mute ID TIME // Mute somebody if he´s spamming or so
// Chat
/* Public */
!info, info, /info // Information about the mod
!cmdlist, cmdlist, /cmdlist // Command List
!restart, restart, /restart // Restarts the game with sv_restart_time
!go, go, /go // If the game paused start it with sv_go_time
!stop, stop, /stop // Pause the game
!reset, reset, /reset // Reset the spectator slots
!XonX, XonX, /XonX // Starts a war and sets spec slots
/* Authed Chat Features */
!spec, spec, /spec ID // Spectate somebody
!red, red, /red ID // Set somebody to red
!blue, blue, /blue ID // Set somebody to blue
!mute, mute, /mute ID TIME // Mute somebody
Mod coded by BotoX
And now the most important