Topic: Nodes Map Design Contest

Basic rules

- The deadline is 15th May 2011 ; 18:00 GMT+1; judge results will be published within the end of June.
- Map submissions have to meet the deadline; missed maps will NOT be judged.
- Only two maps per person allowed.
- File size has to be smaller than 50 kb. (Ask me if you need an exception)

- Submission

— Please post your map on this thread at teeworlds.com to enter.
— Submissions have to be written in English.
— Upload your map at solidfiles.com.
— Submissions have to include name, max. players, datasize, screenshots with /without gamelayer and a config.cfg (with buildpoints etc.).

- Map naming rules:
— nds_[map name]_[version]_[author].map
— e.g. nds_supremacy_1_Landil.map

- Graphics
— You are NOT allowed to use custom graphics (!).
— It might be possible that 0.6 will be released while this contest. If this happens the rules will be updated.

- Judging
— Maps will be judged by the following criteria: game play (movement, balancing, item/building placement, fun) and graphics (general impression, tiling errors).
— Judges will score each of these elements on a scale of 0 to 10.
— highest average wins

- Increase your chances
— Good gameplay is the key criterium; you will need to create a fun map to get points.
— No tiling errors
— Grass main is nice, but there are two further tilesets.
— Simple tasks as caring for the "high detail turn off" option can give your map an advantage in comparison to maps without them.
— Test your maps before you add the doodads and background layers.
— Play your map with your friends / clan mates very often and try to balance it.


If there are less than 15 contestants:

  1st place: You can choose if you want to get a custom designed avatar or clan logo.

If there are more than 15 contestants:

  1st place: If it is good enough for being official it will become an official nodes map, in addition you will get a nodes-logo t-shirt.

  2nd and 3rd: You can choose, either a custom designed avatar or clan logo.

Frequently Asked Questions

-   "Submissions have to be written in English" Why?
This is an international game and so is the language. No exceptions! But we won't judge grammar and spelling mistakes anyway wink

- Can I edit a map once I posted it?
You can alter your submitted map until the deadline is reached; but do not forget to change your version number.

Antoine de Saint Exupéry: It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Besides -  I am the gfx guy!


Re: Nodes Map Design Contest

I wanne post my map (1. map here smile): Nodes mountain

sv_max_clients 16-48
sv_buildpoints 1000
sv_crate_probability 50
sv_rage_modifier 1
sv_buildings_ff 1
sv_builddelay 10
sv_freeze_radius 200
sv_emp_duration 5

With GL:

Without GL:

And the download:
Hf, hope i don't forgot somethink

3 (edited by Mo2 2011-12-30 04:02:18)

Re: Nodes Map Design Contest

1st Map from Mo2: nds_dusty_metal

Download: nds_dusty_metal.map (size 20k)

Mapsize: 465x270
Recommended players: 6-24
Recommended settings:

sv_buildpoints 1200

Additional info:
Map allows fast movement (even with camping places).
Most parts of the map can be attacked from at least 2 ways (even the upper sections could be attacked)
Map is almost symmetrical (doodads, background differ... "level-2 blocking wall in the mid is somewhat saw-like")
You would like teleporters smile (for example build base far left put tele between the small passage and go ahead to battlefield with weapons and shields)
Grenadelauncher bombardment from above would help - but not in all situations
Lower mid section is hard to reach at start (but is an important tactical position that is easy to defend and allows you to attack the enemy reactor). You can reach it before it get "hot" either with a long precise doublejump or with teamwork (dummy-drag) - which makes sense if your team reached level2.
It's important to "clean up" all spawn-zones of the enemy (the map is big enough to give the enemy a good chance to rebuild his reactor somewhere else).

Edit: Fixed a small bug.


4 (edited by Mo2 2011-12-30 04:02:42)

Re: Nodes Map Design Contest

2nd Map from Mo(2) - Desert Hopeless:

Download: Download nds_dhopeless.map (size 7k)

Mapsize: 183x100
Recommended players: 2-16
Recommended settings:

sv_buildpoints 900

Additional info:
Map is much smaller than nds_dusty_metal. It even make sense with just 1 vs 1... and already working fine with 2 vs 2
Anyway regarding gameplay and space to do some stuff it's not soo small you might think at a first look. There are some parts that would be put in after level 3 which give the chance to build a sneaky base below the enemy and give a good pos for teleporters. There is a good use for rocketjumps (in the mid of the map to get to the lower parts or at the top to reach fast the enemy side if the mid is clean).
You would reach your enemy... or at least see him pretty fast... but the front entry to the enemy base is protected from metal-blocks. You can get in but it's not so easy to rush - especially if the game is past techlevel 2. So it's a little bit "castle" like. If your base is well setup you don't have to repair immediately all the time... it should be solid enough to give you some freedom to try some stuff at the enemy.
First part of gametime there is a good place for deathmatches in the mid of the map. It's easy to get out of both bases... and so you reach your enemy fast.

Map is almost symmetrical (doodads, background differ)



Re: Nodes Map Design Contest


OK here is my 1st map: nds_cloudy_day_1.0_Delo.map

Some facts:

Players: 16-20
Size: 22kb
Version: 1.0
Tiles: generetic_unhookable, generetic_deathtiles, grass_main, grass_doodads, clouds, sun
Specials: Animated sun, generetic_unhookable tiles as background


sv_max_clients 16-20
sv_buildpoints 1000
sv_port 8303
sv_register 1
sv_rcon_password 123
sv_max_clients 64
sv_name "Test Cloudy_day"
sv_motd "Nodes Mod by .0xdeadbeef//inherited"
sv_gametype nodes
sv_scorelimit 500
sv_buildpoints 1000
sv_map nds_cloudy_day_1.0_Delo

1. with GL
2. without GL
3. ingame

Thanks Mo2 for giving tips to find the map!!


visit our clan!

6 (edited by Fat_Sloth 2011-04-16 12:21:53)

Re: Nodes Map Design Contest

Hello, this is my first map for this contest.
Whole Map


sv_max_clients 16
sv_buildpoints 800
sv_motd Hey You Guys!!
sv_gametype nodes
sv_map nds_red_3_Fat_Sloth


nds_red_3_Fat_Sloth, is huge map with fluent gameplay. It uses the great feature from the Nodes-mod to create to create and delete unhookable titles addicted to the tech-level of a team. The higher the one's team's tech-level the better the chances of the other team to hide itself in new opened caves.
Contrary to other nodes-maps, the surfaces of this map aren't made to be filled up with drones and shield-generators. The wide and long cores of the map make it hard to place buildings that aren't completely exposed by the enemy's fire. Each player has to think of the most efficient way to place new bases or defenses.
If you like the idea of the nodes-mod but don't like to hide and bomb each of your enemy's torrents, one by one and if you like having save fortress while doing some real teeworlds-action like swinging around, facing your enemy, you will LOVE my map.

Download / Download

PS: please don't judge my map unfairly just because i am a newbie here. Thank you!

Ooops forgot to upload my map on "solidfiles.com" (fixed that).

Has a crippled face.


Re: Nodes Map Design Contest

So finally here's my second map!

Size: 9kb (195 x 95 tiles)
Players: about 6 (3 on 3)
Version: 1.0

Description: Well, I played all current nodes maps and noticed that there is no small version for close combat.
Thats the reason, why i built this map. One shotgun box allows you to join battle very soon. Certainly it has nice gameplay and enough space to build bases! Its possible to reach the reactor from below but easier to go around and attack it from the left or right. As a team overcomes the third techlevel a new place in the middle section opens up.
I would be happy about some feedback to my work!

1. with GL
2. without GL
3. ingame

Have fun!

Delo smile

visit our clan!


Re: Nodes Map Design Contest

contest ended

Antoine de Saint Exupéry: It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Besides -  I am the gfx guy!


Re: Nodes Map Design Contest

yeah i know, I'm sorry we have not managed to test all maps til now. Inherited and me are currently verybusy in real life and for the little time I can spare I set my priorities to official teeworlds development.

In addition, because of an injury, i can only use my left hand.

I apologuze for the inconvenience and promise to do it as soon as possible. As this may take while, all of you may request a custom avatar or logo.

Antoine de Saint Exupéry: It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Besides -  I am the gfx guy!


Re: Nodes Map Design Contest

Ok guys, I played all maps and some are really great. I have my personal favourite, but I need to discuss the matter with inherited first. As an apology I promised you to draw all contestents an avatar, so please state your wishes here. The winner will get a nodes-shirt, I will contact the winner for the t-shirt size then.

Antoine de Saint Exupéry: It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Besides -  I am the gfx guy!

11 (edited by Landil 2011-08-03 23:57:34)

Re: Nodes Map Design Contest

I'm still waiting for a response of inherited. Until then I will draw the avatars. Please let me know if you have any special wishes.

I've just sent the first avatar to Fat_Sloth. This is the 60x60px version, which is suitable for the teeworlds.com forum. If you want one with certain dimensions, please let me know.

This one is for delo:
http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/2592/delo.png http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/7976/delo60.png

And one for black panther:

edit: oh yes THIS IS heavy double posting.

Antoine de Saint Exupéry: It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Besides -  I am the gfx guy!


Re: Nodes Map Design Contest

Landil? I don't want to stress you but could you change the color of the tee? I'm running around ingame with a yellow paint since some years smile
Here's a screen

visit our clan!


Re: Nodes Map Design Contest

Delo: wrote:

Landil? I don't want to stress you but could you change the color of the tee? I'm running around ingame with a yellow paint since some years smile
Here's a screen


Done wink

Antoine de Saint Exupéry: It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Besides -  I am the gfx guy!

14 (edited by Delo 2011-08-25 15:16:02)

Re: Nodes Map Design Contest

You are the best big_smile!

Edit// What about the response of the inherited? smile

visit our clan!