KäseKuchen, Maggot
Of course programming is so easy that you can copy paste source code from what ever you want where ever you want and it will automatically add new features
Think a little before you say "to copy things", many "clients" had took source from the teeworlds trunk source and applied their own modifications, so the copying might as well go other way around.
Also in modded clients the people don't have to focus on the core functions when they get nice base where to add own things and improve GUI, Teeworlds development staff has to add features and fixes to "everything" in Teeworlds including the server! its not like they are copy pasting sources from others.
And KäseKuchen, your narrow minded and your arguments are invalid, like
KäseKuchen i'm sad about you.
i hoped people could understand that developing programs isn't so easy as copy pasting and you have to take in count all the users of program not just one like you.
Teeworlds is open source so if the look doesn't appeal you go ahead and make your own instead of expecting developers do this just for you.
i don't want to see people who are so narrow minded in here. Until there are no narrow minded people i have no reason to stay here.
i will stop Teeworls and i hope someday there wont be narrow minded persons.
I hope you can see how narrow minded your post was..
And by the way
Good work Teeworlds Dev Team! 0.6.0 is awesome!
love the clan tag, country flags and the new score table!
could somewhere be posted new features in 0.6.0 as simple list?
Keep up the Good work! 
Greetings, Allu2