1 (edited by Schnitzelpeter 2009-12-16 19:24:19)

Topic: [MOD] GunGame


I made my first MOD called GunGame. You may know this gametype from Counter-Strike.
I hope you like it but don't expect too much cause this is my first MOD and I am not the best at C++.
Anyways I hope you have fun with that MOD and please give me some feedbacks and if there are bugs please say it to me and will try to fix it.


It's like the Counter-Strike MOD. There are 12 weapons. If you kill another tee you get a new weapon. If you reach level 13 you win.
The MOD is only possible in Dm gametype.

---Download section---

Windows exe

---Sample Config---

sv_name GunGame Server
sv_register 1
sv_gametype ggdm
sv_map dm1
sv_port 8303



hf Schnitzelpeter


Re: [MOD] GunGame

don't exspect too much cause this is my first MOD and I am not the best at C++.

Then don't release mod.

Not Luck, Just Magic.

3 (edited by Magic Merlin 2009-12-16 17:47:06)

Re: [MOD] GunGame

Dune wrote:

Then don't release mod.

If he wants feedback and bug reports - why shouldnt he release the MOD?
Everybody has to start learning something and feedback is a usefull thing.

Barney Stinson is awesome - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGd-3mdUaf4
And he is a true Master of magic - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qsh7W3PY … eature=fvw
Yeah... Magic is pretty cool...

4 (edited by skaut 2009-12-16 18:04:37)

Re: [MOD] GunGame

nice mod! but

1. pls make it longer! only one mode with grenade? what about scout, awp etc. with laser?
2. pls add a setting, where you can go from the best weapon to the worst and then back again!
3. i miss the hammer :S
4. pls make an ammo reset with each lvl

wharharharharharhar ultr0r trickyZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!1111oneoneeleven


Re: [MOD] GunGame

Thanks for the Feedback. I will try my best to add this new settings.


Re: [MOD] GunGame

Schnitzelpeter wrote:

If you kill another tee you get a new weapon. If you reach level 13 you win.

How many new weapons are there?

Give others the respect you wish to be respected with. In the mean time, enjoy the website!


Re: [MOD] GunGame

I think it's a good idea, haven't tried it but what I feel is that it's still kinda poorly made. My idea is, when you get the whole system to work and rid of the bugs to make ggTDM too. There the teams kill each other and the whole team gets new weapons on enough kills for the team total.

8 (edited by CarmineZ 2010-12-11 12:03:55)

Re: [MOD] GunGame

the weapon are too much similar, you should differentiate them

9 (edited by MertenNor 2010-12-11 16:03:16)

Re: [MOD] GunGame

The download link to the source is down.. Can someone upload it to solidfiles ore  mediafire ?

->My 24/7 servers: [NOR] Norwegian HUB <- Back Online !! big_smile
( My grammar is getting better ! smile I think.. )


Re: [MOD] GunGame

yes ^^ pls re-upload spurces haha


Re: [MOD] GunGame

i need it too big_smile


Re: [MOD] GunGame

source link crashed pls re-upload :S

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