1 (edited by HipHopBlond 2011-06-28 18:51:20)

Topic: [SOLVED] Server crashing Clients again...

Hello Tees,

A few mins ago i started TW, not to play I just needed to make a screenshot of my Skin. So when I started the game (I'm using gamer client) it took 2/3 max 4 seconds for the master server to stop loading and my client to crash, i have to close it thorough Task Manager after that to switch my resolution back to normal =/ Am I the only one having this problem a bit often lately? I'm sure the problem is not from my computer 'cuz then it would have given me the option to send a report to microsoft... So... am I the only one?


Re: [SOLVED] Server crashing Clients again...


What did you exactly do? Did you join a server and then immediatly crashed or did your client just crashed once you finished to load the server list?

Not Luck, Just Magic.

3 (edited by HipHopBlond 2011-03-04 19:11:05)

Re: [SOLVED] Server crashing Clients again...

Ey Dune, Well it's no biggy, we all experienced this at least once in a while. I'm talking bout when there's a faulty server in the masters, and when the game loads then the master server starts loading the servers /most of the filters are on and when it hits that same server... Bam - the game just freezes without you doing anything... =/ It started happening a bit too often for me, even if you try it in the moment I'm sure you'll see the same.  Anyways I'm gonna clear my fav. list again, just to make sure.

EDIT: I won't, I just saw I'm really not the only one, but this makes me think of a "Stop Refresh" button for the gamer big_smile


Re: [SOLVED] Server crashing Clients again...

So is the client crashing when you are loading the masterserver list? When you are loading the server infos? Right when you finish to load it all?
Looks like an issue from the masterservers, though it could be a server sending bad info as well.

Not Luck, Just Magic.

5 (edited by HipHopBlond 2011-03-04 20:40:57)

Re: [SOLVED] Server crashing Clients again...

In the middle of the loading of the master server tongue to be exact, after the client was loaded smile check it out yourself, I believe it should do exactly the same as Here, but this is a known issue:

An hour ago: sad <- Click The Smiley big_smile

Two years ago: sad < Click The Smiley big_smile

Guess we'll just have to wait... mb m!nus can solve the problem if it's in the master server, if it's from someone's server... then I guess he should be warned/banned.

EDIT: Still, think about putting a "Stop Refresh" button in the gamer client tongue

EDIT2: Everything is Good again, not that I have so much time to play TW, but I hope this doesn't happen so often for the future smile