Topic: [MOD-IDEA] ctf training
I got a great idea for a new mod on teeworld.This mod will help people get better skills.Therfore people would create/go into better clans . This mod is that a bot is on one side and you on the other .For example you want to be on defend you vote eg. sv_bot_attack 1 or something like it.The bot will be skilled to levels. Level 1 = Noob bot ,Level 2 = Harder bot ,Level 3 = Pro bot (ONLY FOR PRO)This mod should help people get skilled and try to image how to get past defend/Attack on cw,fw.This can be useful to warmup before fw , cw or other fun games. The bot would not be so hard as people think the only hard bot would be the lvl 3 bot .Sometimes when i look through spec i see some people without any speed , skill and aim so i thought of making this mod. You will be able to vote for which bot level you want the maps will be Ctf 1 , Ctf 2 , Ctf 3 ( Ctf 5 If really in need ).Some people will have lots of bad things about this idea but I think its a great idea for people who can't really play.Like me :)I don't really have that much skill so I thought about myself as well in this idea.
BUT SADLY i can't make this mod:( I don't have a clue how to make a teeworlds mod.If people could help me get a teeworlds mod maker that will be great But if people can make me this mod I will be really happy. If you have any good ideas that could improve this idea or support it with other things .Write it here it will be useful for me .If you have any things that you don't like .Write here it will help me.I know this mod is not so good but have a think will it help?Write your comments here .What score will you give this mod ? 7/10??I'll be very grateful if people could help me :)So please help
P.S My English is very bad Sorry
P.S Sorry for any spelling mistakes
Hope you can help me and make it better . I just hope