1 (edited by Franchan 2011-01-31 05:10:20)

Topic: [Particles] A small change


I just felt like changing around particles today

They are low quality particles with not much effort put into them

but I thought they turned out great smile


This is not a demonstration of my art skills (none). Its a fun little replacement if you want something different to look at.


Re: [Particles] A small change

nice, i like them wink
but if its so important to you, then i found 2 mistakes:
sorry that i didn't uploaded it with Imageshack because my Internet is SO slow!

Love Is A Powerful Thing! big_smile


Re: [Particles] A small change

Sorry dude, I totally agree with you in saying "They are low quality particles with not much effort put into them". Be creative and do the complete opposite: high quality particles in which you put much effort in. I am looking forward to seeing those results.

Question? search function
Short movies? Lappi's link loft
Teeworlds info'n'tuts on gfx? Landil's sketchbook


Re: [Particles] A small change

Hi Lappi wink

You know what would be cool? If someone changed their entire grass_main to be a fabric kind of cloth texture, guns to fabric, fabric tee-skins, game.png of fabric, and particles of fabric... it would look good.

This is "high-quality" but not really the favorite style of most users. It's really nice if you like it, because i can tell that some will. Good job, but try to learn Inkscape big_smile


Re: [Particles] A small change

Lol this looks so dirty.. i really dont like it. thats absolutely unteeish and nothing good.

@alias -> Steampunk?


Re: [Particles] A small change

ugly big_smile
Sorry, I dont like it..

Why is your tw so grey?;D


Re: [Particles] A small change

I don't like it.
They are not teeish and the quality decreased versus the original.

8 (edited by Franchan 2011-01-31 05:15:24)

Re: [Particles] A small change

After getting bashed, I updated after someone mentioned it was dirty because I couldn't help but notice it every time I played X.X

Still a recolor though

I think its called Cel shade

If you don't like it can you tell me how to improve?


Re: [Particles] A small change

Now that they're updated, I truly love them. Most of them look decent, if not very nice. I love the cel shading. The only thing that doesn't fit and looks bad is the laser bounce particle. Change it, and it will be wonderful.

The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.


Re: [Particles] A small change

Looks cartoony... put a "bam!" in the explosion big_smile

Make a gameskin!