Topic: Follow progress yourself
Seems there's many posts asking for progress or info on upcoming releases.
I'd just like to point out that the Trac bug/issue tracking system works fine if you're eager to know whats happening and can't wait for answers.
First, have a look at the road map. Checking it from time to time makes you aware of what the developers think is left to be done for a certain release and you might find that issues are being solved, or added. For instance, Milestone 0.5.0 went from 92% to 96% recently, after some time standing still. Find the road map view here:
I just learned that there's a perfectly good way of knowing what has been recently solved as well: the time line. Combined with the roadmap it gives you a pretty good knowledge about the progress of teeworlds. Find the time line here:
Watch out for the "ticket"-changes. Changeset denotes code changes and if you're not able to find out such things for your self, I wouldn't recommend you jump into that level of detail.