Topic: [SUGGESTION] Telnet support
Hello guys,
after reading this topic about a way to monitor and administrate servers, I realized there is the need for administration tools for teeworlds. There are already solutions for this. For example, a lot of server hosters have created a web interface, which allows the user to create servers with different configuration files, and to terminate or restart those servers. Also tools like Teeworlds Server Manager have been created to simplify the process of managing server on your local computer.
However, these tools lack one major aspect, which is the possibility to control the server while it is running. This is due to the fact, that at the moment it is not possible to communicate with the teeworlds server from the outside in another way than connecting to it is a usual client. Of course creating a program which connects to the server and then to the rcon console as a usual client and then provides a user interface or an API or whatever would be a possible solution, but there are several major disadvantages to this method:
Connecting to the server is not possible if all 16 slots are already used
While administrating, there are only 15 slots available for players
A lot of unnecessary data is sent to both server and administration client (which means waste of bandwidth)
All of these issues can be avoided be providing a different method to connect to the server, for example support for telnet. Also, by using this (or a similar) method, It would be easy for the community to write their own administrating programs, interfaces or bots, without having to know too much about the teeworlds protocol itself, which would probably cause a lot of programs like i mentioned before to be created, and those that already exist would probably be enhanced. I believe this would all result in a strongly improved usability of the teeworlds server.
There is already an attempt to implement telnet support, but it was done for a much older version of teeworlds, and it had some problems and thus never got included in the official teeworlds code. You can find the corresponding topic here.
I've had this idea for a while but not done it because lack of time... as usual....
This statement made by Matricks as an answer to the topic supports my opinion that this feature should get implemented.
However the code supplied in the patch files in this topic would need to be redone completely, because, as mentioned before it was created for an older version (before the code was refactored), and because the issues this attempt has would need to be solved.
I hope I was successful in explaining why this feature is needed in teeworlds, and I am looking forward to reading your opinions about this topic.
Kind regards,