Topic: [mod]call of duty
hay all ;D
i had an idea of a mod.
you know call of duty??
you like the game??
the this mod is right for you.
A mod for Teeworlds...
- with some new weapons (for example: ak47, ump, rpd, ...).
- with launching series (preditor, drone, ...) but not to muich like cod6 xP
- with new skinns for teams (opfor --> desert tarned skinns,...)
- with the gametypes free fo rall(dm), tdm, ctf, search and destroy, headquarters,
and was thinking about a new called juggernaut (1 player is a juggernaut and all other players are normal
in a team. they have to kill the jugegrnaut but he is very strong).
- with some perks (you can change you fight classes in client settings (and making new)
- with primary and secondery weapons. only 2 weapons!! you drop your weapons by dieing and others can get it.
- with level from 1-55 i think
- and some more.
but theres the problem:
i cant probramm/code mods or clients ;(
i need someone who make that public mod and the client.
but i would help by all i can and making all graphics!!!
your comments: