CarmineZ wrote:this mod is good only for aimbot!
I don't want to open a big can of worms, but I think you'll find very few good FNG players who agree.
Something that might be hard to readily see is that after you've played fng1 long enough, you develop an extremely refined sense of where people are going to be, when, and with what kind of speed. A player who has good aim anyway, plus more practice playing with the laser alone than vanilla players can readily get, will wind up making a lot of "telepathic" shots which can seem kind of unbelievable to others. This is especially true for players with maximum res and dyn.
I don't know a lot about aimbots, but my understanding is that the readily available ones can't make ricochet shots. If you spec good players and observe, you'll see them making a fair number of "bot-like" shots with a ricochet. I believe you'd also find that outside of fng1, the aiming abilities of all fng players take some kind of hit due to the lack of the aforementioned fng1-specific-sixth-sense.
I play on Blumentopfshakes quite a bit. Obviously I can't say I literally "know" that none of the good regular players there use bots, since I'm not there irl looking over their shoulders, but I believe that none of them do. The reason is that they all make mistakes, and not the kind of narrow-miss mistakes a bot makes due to lag, but more mistakes that occur because you feint them into aiming at the wrong place at the wrong time while fighting them. A player with an aimbot has immunity to this, and yet none of the regular FNG players I play with are inordinately perfect at it. It's true that someone using a bot could just fake this kind of mistake every once in a while to make their botting harder to detect, but I believe it would start to look artificial to a pretty good fng player, which I deign to say I am, and I haven't seen it. More significantly, it seems highly likely that the average botter doesn't really care to hide it much or at all, and since I don't see anyone immune to taking shots against me on a somewhat regular basis that, by random mistake or by my feinting, are just plain wrong, I'm pretty confident inferring that odds are high that few if any of those people are botting.
For the incredulous, another way of looking at is this: observe how much time and energy I spent writing all this out, and then think about how much time and energy I probably have on my hands I have to play FNG. After a while, you just get good with the laser...