/info check the info message
/top5 - see the fastest times
/top5 <NUMBER> - see the fastest times from <POSITION> to <+5 FROM POSITION>
/eat - eat in a restaurant
/buy - buy in a shop
/account - check account commands
/password <NEW PASSWORD> - change your password
/stats - check what you bought
/cmdlist - check all the commands available for you
doubble of money on each moneyzone
/save - saves your position
/load - loads your position
/kick <ID> - kicks person
/kill <ID> - kills person
/god_on - godmode , you can t die
/god_off - admin is a normal tee
--- PERSON ---
vip <ID> 1 - makes person VIP
wlist <ID> 1 - makes person WLIST
police <ID> 1 - makes person police
auth <ID> 3 - makes person admin
vip_check <ID> - check if someone is VIP
wlist_check <ID> - check if someone is Wlist
Police_check <ID> - check if someone is Police
auth_check <ID> - check if someone is authed
--- TELEPORT ---
tele<ID> <ID> - Teleport <FROM> <TO> person
####tele_num <ID> <TELEPORT NUMBER> - teleport person to teleporter####
tele_to <ID> <POS X> <POS Y> - Teleport a player to these coordinates
get_pos <ID> - get the pos in X,Y of the person
--- MONEY ---
add_money <ID> <AMOUNT OF MONEY TO ADD> - adds money
set_money <ID> <AMOUNT OF MONEY TO SET> - sets money
money <ID> - checks money
mute <ID> <SECONDS> - makes a player unable to speak
ban <ID> <MINUTES> - ban a player for the amount of minutes, 0 = lifetime
kick <ID> - kicks player
ban_all <minutes> - bans all players except admins.
kick_all - kicks all players except admins
kill_pl <ID> - kills player
kill_all - kill all players
--- MISC ---
addvote <COMMAND or MESSAGE> - adds a vote in the voting options menu
pause - pauses the game
start - starts the game
restart - restarts the server
say - says a message in the chatbox
broadcast - broadcasts a message
version - shows the current version
switch_door <DOOR ID> - switches door
say_by <ID> <MESSAGE> - says the message by the player
say_to <ID> <MESSAGE> - only the player can see it
sv_serverby <NAME> - changes welcome message
--- ACCOUNTS ---
update - updates all accounts, do this before you close your server,
--- WATER ---
add water from the water mod
dont add normal laserdoors, because the you can only have 10 or 20
add the door system from ddrace stable, becaus ethere you can have as much doors as you like.
add a special food, that increases your max health, and your max armor
because the weapons make so much damage, that you are dead with one shoot
i cant set the price of everything over 10.000 $
i can set i over 10.000$
but the server doesnt show more that 10.000$