Topic: [MOD] City|P Mod - Public City Mod V0.3.0
since there are much cities mods and they are all private we decided to make a public city mod that i think have all features and if not just post what you need to add
Mod by Moh & Fishy & G@mer
based on Kpack KaiTee
/info -- show mod info
/buy -- show buy list
/weapons_list -- show weapon upgrades list
/food -- show food list
/rainbow -- buy rainbow
/rainbow_on -- turn rainbow on
/rainbow_off -- turn rainbow off
/invisible -- buy invisible
/inv_on -- turn invisible on
/inv_off -- turn invisible off
/drink -- buy drink
/energy -- buy energy
/burger -- buy burger
/hotdog -- buy hot dog
/kaviar -- buy kaviar
/gun -- show gun list
/shotgun -- show shotgun list
/grenade -- show grenade list
/gun_p1 -- buy gun projectile upgrade 1
/gun_p2 -- buy gun projectile upgrade 2
/gun_p3 -- buy gun projectile upgrade 3
/gun_exp -- buy gun explosion upgrade
/gun_auto -- buy gun autoshoot
/shotgun_p1 -- buy shotgun projectile upgrade 1
/shotgun_p2 -- buy shotgun projectile upgrade 2
/shotgun_p3 -- buy shotgun projectile upgrade 3
/shotgun_exp -- buy shotgun explosion
/grenade_p -- buy grenade projectile upgrade
/whitelist -- buy whitelist
/vip -- buy vip
/jump -- buy infinite jumps
/buy_shotgun -- buy shotgun
/buy_grenade -- buy grenade
/buy_rifle -- nuy rifle
/jetpack -- buy jetpack
/jet_on -- set jet on
/jet_off -- set jet off
/buy_fuel -- buy fuel
/god - god mode
/splash - splashes
/crazyninja - add crazy ninja power
Police chat commands:
/kill <id> -- kill a Tee
/kick <id> -- Kick a Tee
/arrest <id> -- Arrest a Tee and send him to jail (Note : jail entity is the red team entity)
whitelist chat commands :
F2 Console commands:
sv_startmoney <value> -- the money will player start with
sv_gunautoshoot <value> -- price of autogun
sv_gune1 <value> -- price of 1st gun explosion upgrade
sv_gune2 <value> -- price of 2nd gun explosion upgrade
sv_gune3 <value>-- price of 3rd gun explosion upgrade
sv_gunp1 <value> -- price of 1st gun projectile upgrade
sv_gunp2 <value> -- price of 2nd gun projectile upgrade
sv_gunp3 <value> -- price of 3rd gun projectile upgrade
sv_grenadep <value>-- price of grenade projectile upgrade
sv_shotgunp1 <value> -- price of 1st shotgun projectile upgrade
sv_shotgunp2 <value> -- price of 2nd shotgun projectile upgrade
sv_shotgunp3 <value> -- price of 3rd shotgun projectile upgrade
sv_shotgune1 <value> -- price of 1st shotgun explosion upgrade
sv_shotgune2 <value> -- price of 2nd shotgun explosion upgrade
sv_shotgune3 <value> -- price of 3rd shotgun explosion upgrade
sv_drink <value>-- price of drink
sv_energy <value> -- price of energy
sv_burger <value> -- price of burger
sv_hotdog <value> -- price of hotdog
sv_kaviar <value> -- price of kaviar
sv_rainbow_price <value> -- price of rainbow
sv_invisible <value> -- price of invisible
sv_dmgs <1/0> -- enable / disable server debugs
sv_money_low <value> -- what money entity low gives
sv_money_middle <value> -- what money entity middle one gives
sv_money_high <value> -- what money entity high gives
sv_money_loss_low <value> -- what money lose entity low takes
sv_money_loss_high <value> -- what money lose entity high takes
sv_add_alist <id> -- add to admin list
sv_remove_alist <id> -- remove from admin list
sv_add_wlist <id> -- add to white list list
sv_remove_wlist <id> -- remove from white list
sv_add_vlist <id> -- add to vip list list
sv_remove_vlist <id> -- remove from vip list
sv_add_plist <id> -- add to police list
sv_remove_plist <id> -- remove from police list
sv_add_blist <id> -- add black list
sv_remove_blist <id> -- remove from black list
sv_wlist <Value> -- price of whitelist
sv_vlist <value> -- price of vlist
sv_infjump <value> -- price of infinite jumps
set_money <id> <money> -- set money of a player
set_jet <id> <money> -- set fuel of a player
hammer_damage -- set hammer dmage on/off
rifle_damage -- laser damage
sv_jetpack_price -- set_jetpack_price
sv_shotgun_price -- shotgun price
sv_grenade_price -- grenade price
sv_rifle_price -- rifle price
sv_fuel_price -- set price for fuel
update_all -- upgrade all players info
set_jet_speed <id> <speed> -- set player jet speed
sv_jet_speed -- set player respwan with (x) speed
Download V0.3.0:
Windows :
Linux : under compile (Not released yet)
Mac : under compile (Not released yet)
entities :
Report bugs here or just add me to skype and tell me what is the bug Skype id: mohammedhossam1
any more ideas will be respected and will be added to the mod of course its a beta version and we didn't complete it yet soo help us to improve (Note : if you need any mod or you have an idea of a mod just ask us to make it)
and entities are not soo pretty good
Map change / reload bug fixed
/whitelist -- buy whitelist
/vip -- buy vip
/jump -- buy infinite jumps
sv_infjump <value> -- price of infinite jumps
set_money <id> <money> -- set money of a player
set_jet <id> <money> -- set fuel of a player
hammer_damage -- set hammer dmage on/off
shotgun_p3 chat command bug fixed
buy zone / food zone bug fixed
Dmg stuff Added
laser added
/cmdlist added
money system bug fixed
/jump bug fixed (it crashes the server when logout (prev version))
jetpack is now avilable as buy
you can set it with sv_jetpack_price
rifle_damage added
added weapon buy to the buy list
added discribtion in the .acc file (for Admin)
added /save - /load for whitelist
money bug fixed
sv_fuel_price -- set price for fuel
upgrade_all -- upgrade all players info
/jetpack -- buy jetpack
/jet_on -- set jet on
/jet_off -- set jet off
/buy_fuel -- buy fuel
/logout bug fixed
deleted moderator / helper passwords
sv_rcon_password_admin changed to sv_rcon_password
set_jet_speed <id> <speed> -- set player jet speed
sv_jet_speed -- set player respwan with (x) speed
deleted somethings from the save file (.acc)
added doors
fixed some bugs
added /god - /splash for admins - /crazyninja
added /kill (id) - /kick (id) - /arrest <id> for police
added anti kill zone
added jail
16/8/2010 : srry i was sick i wasn't here