Topic: [UPCOMING MOD] Freedom, i need your help
Hey guys,
I have some idea for a mod(witch i gonna code myself)
The idea:
The first mod with drawn vehicles, WITHOUT a modified client. Or whatever new shit, only new is that there is an edited entities.png needed for the spawn of the vehicles. And ofcourse a map for the gametype.
Jet -=- fast but that will make it too a lot harder to aim on somthing [Seats: 1]
Chopper -=- slow but accurate and can hang still in the air [Seats: 2]
Tank -=- same speed as a tee (maybe even slower) with a verry strong explosive grenade with a verry long reloadtime [Seats: 1]
Quad -=- Extremly fast, but not strong and no mounted weapons [Seats: 2]
The controls gonna be (if you use the default controls, on a default english keyboard):
Space to enter/exit.
A to slow down, D to speed up.
Left-mouse for minigun.
Right-mouse for missile.
A go left, D go right
Rigth-mouse go up/down, depending on your aim.
Left-mouse for minigun
A go left, D go right.
Left-mouse for minigun.
Right-mouse for missile.
A go left, D go right.
Left-mouse for normal weapon.
Right-mouse for hook. (Not sure yet)
when a vehicle gets shot down it there will be a explosion of the size of the vehicle, and the driver + passenger[s] get killed.
You can walk past vehicles and its passengers. it wont collide with you.
Every vehicle has a respawn time. Witch is able to be modded, for some maps you want airship vs airship then you make only Jet spawns, and a verry fast respawn time . So i hope this gonna be used alot.
Jet: 70%
Chopper: 60%
Tank: 0%
Quad: 0%
Other: 0%
TOTAL: 8.3%
What things i really need from YOU:
Well a simple sketch with only lines, and not too mutch of the vehicles.
And ideas for other vehicles/machinery.
Ideas for a better name/gametype_name (gametype name, i mean the name for ingame like "mod_ctf")
To make a test map(but you gotta wait whit that because im not sure yet what tiles i gonna use, and whatfor i gonna use them.
Silentdeaths - Ideas for the vehicles
[Ts] big bomb - Ideas about handling, and nice beta testing
I sometimes host a server gametype F+dm or F+tdm but mostly F+ctf
Image about serv status: (if you cant see it just try if you can connect to )
The password is: not4u
And the name can change, so just search F+ in gametype
I hope you guys like my idea, and this gonna be too the release post.
~~~ You may NOT edit, or use my work without asking permission at the topic of my work ~~~
if(!game.players[massdestruction]->get_character()) { game.send_chat_target(massdestruction, "You ever gonna learn to aim?") }